5 Tips To Make The Move To A Responsive Design eLearning Authoring Tool

5 Tips To Make The Move To A Responsive Design eLearning Authoring Tool

5 Tips To Make The Move To A Responsive Design eLearning Authoring Tool

How To Make The Move To A Responsive Design eLearning Authoring Tool

A responsive design eLearning authoring tool automatically adapts your eLearning course to a wide variety of devices, from the latest and greatest smartphones to traditional desktop computers. The eLearning course layout adjusts so that every online learner can access eLearning resources without having to zoom, pan, or strain their eyes.

However, there are some things you should bear in mind before making the switch to responsive eLearning software. Otherwise, you may end up going over budget. Or, worse still, causing cognitive overload instead of enhancing knowledge retention, which is the ultimate goal of a mobile-friendly eLearning strategy. Here are 5 tips to help you choose and implement a responsive design eLearning authoring tool.

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1. Pick The Right Responsive Design eLearning Authoring Tool

Creating a responsive eLearning course may not be as daunting as you think if you find the right tool for the job. There are plenty of responsive design eLearning authoring tools to consider. From open source software that grants free access to feature-rich software that comes with a higher price tag. Just make sure that the tool is updated frequently and is fairly easy to use.

In the case of open source, you may need to know a thing or two about HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The responsive design eLearning authoring tool should also allow for customization and multi-device delivery so that it adapts the eLearning course design and content based on the user’s device. Another feature to look for is a theme builder, which enables you to personalize the color, design, and text. It is a great option if you have a lot of text-based eLearning courses that require an extensive amount of reading. Here are a few tips to help you vet the vendors and find the best responsive design eLearning authoring tool for your needs:

a. Ask For Recommendations

Look online for reviews or ask fellow collaborators about tools they’ve used in the past. You can even join social media groups to get recommendations and learn about the software’s strong suits and weaknesses. For example, the customer service is superior, but the User Interface leaves much to be desired.

b. Sign Up For Free Trials And Demos

Many eLearning authoring tool vendors offer free trials and demos so that you can try before you buy. This also gives you the opportunity to test out the features firsthand and check the tool’s user-friendliness. Is it easy to import existing data and transform it into responsive eLearning content?

c. Evaluate Pricing Options

The responsive design eLearning authoring tool has all the features you could ask for, but is it in your price range? Different eLearning authoring software has different pricing plans and structures. Some require upfront licensing fees while others are subscription based. You must also consider hidden fees that can send you over budget, such as ongoing maintenance and upgrades.

2. Prepare Your eLearning Content Ahead Of Time

Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as simply plugging your existing eLearning content into the new eLearning course. Some of the elements that fit seamlessly into your current eLearning course layout may appear disjointed or out of place in your new eLearning course design. You should adopt the following changes in your eLearning course design to ensure a smooth transition:

a. Avoid Drag And Drops

Drag-and-drop options are not the most intuitive for smaller screens. Online learners may not be able to drag and drop an item when they’re working with limited room. For example, a small smartphone screen that is barely bigger than the average thumb. To ensure your eLearning course translates well on all devices, you may want to get rid of this feature and opt for other interactions.

b. Optimize Large Images

While images add something extra to your eLearning course design, they don’t generally scale well on the smaller screen. As such, you need to optimize images and graphics to reduce load times and make them mobile friendly.

c. Use Fonts For Icons

Like images, icons tend to scale differently when you upload them to a responsive design eLearning authoring tool. Rather than using icons, you can just use a font so that it scales perfectly, no matter the screen size or resolution.

3. Test The eLearning Course Design Before It Goes Live

QA checks are a crucial part of the process. You need to dig deep into the eLearning course design and ensure everything works smoothly. This means you should test the eLearning course on the most popular devices and gather feedback from your online learners. Make sure everything is functioning properly and that the eLearning course layout adjusts accordingly for each breakpoint. A test round will allow you to catch any mistake you overlooked and reduce post-launch glitches. Ask a select group of online learners to try out the eLearning course on their favorite devices, then follow up with surveys and polls.

4. Know When It’s Time To Outsource

It is slightly easier to create a responsive eLearning course from scratch rather than adapt existing eLearning content, given that you’re able to develop mobile-friendly elements from the beginning. However, if you don’t have the time or experience to do either, you can always outsource the task. There are numerous eLearning content providers who can help you make the switch to a responsive design eLearning authoring tool. Some vendors may even provide one-on-one support to ease the transition.

5. Create A Realistic Rollout Timeline

Last but not least, create a realistic schedule for your eLearning team to follow. This includes time to orient themselves with the responsive design eLearning authoring tool and revision rounds, as well as some wiggle room to account for unexpected glitches. For example, a major navigation error is detected during the user testing round.

This article can help you provide online learners with a user-friendly eLearning course that they can easily access on virtually any device. Thereby, increasing engagement and the overall eLearning experience. Just remember, it all starts with the right responsive design eLearning authoring tool and a well-organized development schedule to ensure you stay on track and on budget.

Are you ready to make your eLearning course multiplatform friendly? Read the article Responsive Design For eLearning: 5 Best Practices And 5 Points To Avoid to discover top Do's and Don'ts for responsive eLearning design.

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