7 Unexpected Ways To Use An LMS With SalesForce Integration For Partner Online Training

7 Unexpected Ways To Use An LMS With SalesForce Integration For Partner Online Training
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Summary: External partners are often beyond the reach of internal online training. But the right SalesForce LMS brings them into the fold and bridges performance gaps.

How To Facilitate External Partner Online Training

Remote sales channels, vendors, and even customers benefit from ongoing support that targets personal pain points. A robust extended enterprise online training program gives them access to demo videos, simulations, and tutorials on-the-go. But how do you know which delivery methods to choose or which resources deliver the best ROI? Is there a way to pinpoint their real-world performance gaps? Or identify consumer needs and preferences to continually enhance CX? One of the most cost-effective ways to tackle all these issues is to invest in a SalesForce LMS. A platform that combines CRM and L&D to keep remote team members in-the-know and build customer loyalty.

eBook Release: Your Guide To Maximizing LMS ROI: How LMS Integrations Can Skyrocket Sales, Customer Satisfaction, And Staff Retention
eBook Release
Your Guide To Maximizing LMS ROI: How LMS Integrations Can Skyrocket Sales, Customer Satisfaction, And Staff Retention
Choose the best integrations based on your L&D strategy and business needs.

7 Unexpected Ways To Implement An LMS With SalesForce Integration

1. Provide Customers With Targeted Product Online Training

Many organizations overlook consumers when launching their external partner online training strategy. They focus on sales channels and remote customer service reps, assuming that these individuals will be the first point of contact. In reality, you can enhance your customer outreach with a SalesForce LMS. Use CRM data and customer contact info to recommend relevant online training resources. For instance, customers who purchased your latest product might be interested in the new add-ons or service plans. Send them an invite to your upcoming webinar or promo videos.

2. Funnel Prospects To Relevant Sales Channels

You can gather powerful Big Data from customers who participate in online training. Then use the info to point external sales teams in the right direction. For example, a customer completes your product knowledge or certification online training course. Give them the opportunity to reach out to a local sales rep at the end. Or forward their contact details to the relevant channels to improve conversions. These customers are more likely to make a purchase because they’ve already shown interest and gathered crucial info, such as product features, usage instructions, and maintenance tips.

3. Automatically Assign Online Training Paths

External partners may not even be aware of online training resources that relate to their roles or performance issues. An LMS with SalesForce integration allows you to automatically assign eLearning courses or certification paths based on their CRM reports. Or if they need to embark on a new path due to promotions or evolving job responsibilities. As an example, your top sales rep has become a team leader. They now have access to JIT resources that cover everything from management to company policy. You can also assign paths based on low sales figures, customer satisfaction scores, or high return rates. Maybe the partner is misinforming their clients or exaggerating the product benefits.

4. Offer Certifications That Tie Into Pain Points

This SalesForce LMS application pertains to customers and sales channels. The CRM helps you identify pain points for certain demographics or groups. For example, a certain customer group always seems to buy replacement products more rapidly than others. They might benefit from upkeep tutorials and demos. True, they purchase your products less frequently. But you boost customer loyalty in the process. They stick with your brand because you help them maximize value for money and prioritize relationship-building over quick financial gain. You can also use sales reports and customer service stats to recommend certification paths to vendors, franchise owners, and sales teams.

5. Enhance Remote Accessibility

Some SalesForce LMS solutions feature SSO (single sign-on). This makes it easy for your remote partners to access crucial business data and JIT support online training resources. They simply log in once, view sales stats to identify areas for improvement, then click on the training tab. It’s all in one platform which is ideal for busy partners who often forget their passwords. Or for those who need to quickly address skill gaps before the next client meeting. Another thing to consider is localization. Many platforms provide a translated version of the content so that international partners get the same benefits.

6. Gather And Merge Real-Time Data Across Platforms

So much data and so little time. It’s difficult to manage every aspect of business operations and gather actionable insights when the virtual reports pile up. LMS integrations help you make sense of the information by compiling it all in one convenient location. You collect real-time data that covers everything from customer spending habits and satisfaction scores to partner online training completion stats and assessment results. All in a single tool that offers a holistic overview of how partners perform, when/where they access online training, and how that impacts your profits.

7. Connect L&D To Real-World Performance

One of the standout benefits of owning an LMS with SalesForce is that you can connect online training to real-world outcomes. This way you can determine how your L&D strategy impacts on-the-job skills, sales, and customer experience as well as develop new support tools to address emerging gaps that reflect in your CRM metrics. Simply put, you can evaluate the relationship between your online training content and practical application. Then adjust your approach accordingly.

If you’re looking for ways to boost the functionality of your LMS and turn it into a powerful tool for your organization, then this eBook is for you. Download Your Guide To Maximizing LMS ROI: How LMS Integrations Can Skyrocket Sales, Customer Satisfaction, And Staff Retention and discover must-have features, tips and best practices for implementing LMS integrations.

Originally published on December 20, 2020