eBook Release: Why You Need An LMS To Power Corporate Sales Training In The Experience Economy

eBook Release: Why You Need An LMS To Power Corporate Sales Training In The Experience Economy

eBook Release: Why You Need An LMS To Power Corporate Sales Training In The Experience Economy

From The Caves To Coachella: A Brief History Of Economies

Using an LMS to boost your training in an experience economy is vital, but one must first understand why this environment exists. When we crawled out of the caves, almost 10,000 years ago, we developed agricultural societies. These were a lot simpler than today's societies. The economy for them was a very clear notion. The land provided for them, so anything of value was intricately connected to the land itself. Rightfully so, since corps and farmland were the only tangible forms of wealth. This was known as an agrarian economy and was the norm for the majority of human history. The industrial revolution changed all that by changing the way and scale that goods are produced, giving rise to industrial economies.

eBook Release
Why You Need An LMS To Power Corporate Sales Training In The Experience Economy
Learn how to train your sales team to achieve any goal .

Naturally, it was only a matter of time for us to be introduced to the post-industrialist era, where the importance of services in an industrial society is highlighted. That was the birth of the service economy. It remains dominant up to this day, as most of the Fortune 500 companies are service providers. However, in a 1998 article [1], B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore observed an important shift in perspective. When consumers were making a purchase, they were now valuing the experience as a whole. The task of combining materials and services in order to produce a full experience is now the responsibility of the business, and in order to train your employees to be able to keep up, you will need to include an LMS in your L&D arsenal.

About The eBook

The eBook Why You Need An LMS To Power Corporate Sales Training In The Experience Economy does an excellent job explaining and answering the titular question. It begins with a thorough analysis of the current economy. Here you can find references to various surveys that explain how major leaders conduct their business. Also, you will find out how the customers themselves feel about Customer Experience. Following that is an introduction to the learning technology market. One of the most interesting facts about it is the prediction for a $300 billion growth by 2025 in the eLearning industry. Next, the author discusses 4 reasons an LMS must be part of any training program. After that, the focus shifts to what features make an LMS ideal for learning professionals, 6 sales training best practices, and how to measure the benefits of an LMS.

This is a very solid foundation. There is a clear focus on Customer Experience and on how the interaction with the sales team defines it by setting the tone for how customers feel about your company. The eBook provides both beginners and advanced L&D practitioners with the information they need to make the right choices for their departments and their organizations. I was particularly impressed by how this eBook manages to use so many historical references and surveys while remaining interesting.

A.B.C.: Always Be Continuously Learning

One of the best pieces of advice in the eBook. Also, one that resonates with me deeply. Training isn't something that happens once or twice, it is an ongoing process. Learning and Development do not have a "completion" date. This is a philosophy that can be applied to every aspect of learning. It is not about achieving a single training goal, it is about adopting the proper mentality. And this is especially true in sales, where the environment is always changing. If your team is trained sporadically, they will not be able to keep up with the pace of the market. Post-training reinforcement helps sales representatives achieve their quotas. Continuous training is a long-term investment, but its benefits are very literally irreplaceable.

The LMS As Part Of An Experience Economy

Considering the nature of the eBook, it is worth noting that an LMS is, in fact, an experience in itself. Finding the appropriate LMS for you goes beyond the technical characteristics of the software. It sets the tone for your entire eLearning program. Users spend a lot of their time using the LMS, so its very design must reflect your organizational identity. eLearning is an experience and we must recognize that. Your learners experience through the platform a wide array of emotions: hope, struggle, amazement, and everything in between. Your LMS provides the framework through which they experience your entire program, therefore it should be one that matches your vision.

A well-trained sales force is a must for every organization. Make sure to download the eBook Why You Need An LMS To Power Corporate Sales Training In The Experience Economy and watch the webinar Not Your Grandfather’s Sales Training: What Your Sales Team Needs To Win In The Experience Economy to unlock the full potential of sales training.


[1] Welcome To The Experience Economy

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