6 Tips To Use eLearning Course Variables To Create Personalized eLearning

6 Tips To Use eLearning Course Variables To Create Personalized eLearning
Summary: Personalized eLearning experiences are powerful eLearning experiences, as they build a meaningful connection with every member of your audience. eLearning course variables give you the opportunity to create customized eLearning courses that improve learner engagement and get them excited about building essential skills. In this article, I'll share 6 tips that can help you use eLearning course variables in your eLearning course design.

How To Use eLearning Course Variables To Create Personalized eLearning

Variables are the chameleons of eLearning design. They don't have a set value, which means that eLearning course variables can be modified with ease to make eLearning more personal and relatable. Once a learner inputs a value or performs an action, the variable automatically adjusts to display the new data. Many eLearning authoring tools are now offering built-in variables, making it simple and straightforward to add them into your eLearning course design. But what are the applications of variables in eLearning, and how can you use them to your advantage?

  1. Address your learners by name.
    Adding a text-based variable is one of the most effective ways to personalize your eLearning course. Simply create a variable that accepts the name, which is otherwise known as the "value". At the beginning of the eLearning course your online learners will be asked to input their name, and then you can add the value throughout the eLearning course to display to address them personally at strategic points. For example, you can congratulate them by name when they successfully complete an eLearning activity, or have the eLearning character use their name to increase engagement and immersion. This same principle applies to virtually any text content, such as their job title or department. Instead of just addressing them as "employee" or "valued staff member", you can create a memorable connection by using their first name and respect them as individuals.
  2. Create "pick-up" points throughout the eLearning course.
    There are generally two types of online learners who are accessing the eLearning course: those who have already participated and those who are new to the eLearning experience. You can set true or false variables to create pick-up points throughout your eLearning course design, which makes it easy for online learners to access new online modules and activities. Right when they log into the eLearning platform learners will be asked if they are new or have participated in the past. The Learning Management System would then direct new online learners to the beginning of the eLearning course, and experienced learners would be able to skip to the updated eLearning content, such as the latest product online training demo.
  3. Customized eLearning based on job tasks and positions.
    In case of corporate eLearning, another application for the true/false variable is redirecting corporate learners to online training modules, activities, and assessments based on their job duties and titles. For example, Human Resource staff members can choose their department from the introduction screen, while customer service staff will be directed to online training content ideally suited for them. Variables can even be used to offer supplemental online training content for managers, supervisors, and team leaders. Simply assign another true or false variable to a particular point in the online training course to grant them access to additional online materials. This makes your online training program more relatable and relevant, given that every employee receives the individualized online training content they need to achieve their goals. Rather than offering them a "one-size-fits-all" online training course, you're giving them access to modules that are custom tailored for them.
  4. Give online learners the ability to skip modules.
    Some online learners have already completed an eLearning module or activity and wish to skip ahead. Variables make it possible for them to start at an advanced point within the eLearning course, rather than forcing them to repeat lessons time and again. This can also be used for online learners who have successfully passed an eLearning assessment or earned the right to "opt-out" of an eLearning course. The variable will redirect them to the next online module, as they've already completed the prerequisites. Skipping ahead reduces learner boredom and frustration, as well as reduces cognitive overload. This is due to the fact that they don't have to cover any redundant eLearning content and can focus on the new eLearning materials.
  5. Keep track of how many times an eLearning activity was completed.
    Number variables give you the power to track how often an eLearning task or activity was completed, as well as carry about basic mathematical variable functions. You can even assign specific numbers to pages or objects to make your eLearning course more organized and monitor learner progress. For example, the system would remind the online learner how many online modules they've already completed and how many they still need to complete. Likewise, the number variable can notify them of how many times they participated in a branching scenario or eLearning assessment, or keep count of the number of certificates or badges they've earned.
  6. Develop eLearning tutorials and slideshows.
    The power of eLearning course variables even extends to creating interactive slideshows, presentations, and tutorials. Every time a learner clicks through to the next page or slide, the variable directs them to the appropriate screen. It also stops them in their tracks once they've reached the end of the slideshow and prevents them from skipping to the end when they’re on the first slide. One of the most significant benefits of this variable application is that it improves eLearning course navigation. Instead of viewing a slideshow that jumps around to random screens or continues to loop, learners can click onto the next screen with ease and access new information in a linear order.

Now that you know the many uses of eLearning course variables, why not apply them in your next corporate eLearning project to boost immersion and eLearning interactivity. Just remember that eLearning course variables should work behind the scenes, instead of stealing the spotlight by confusing or distracting online learners. So, ensure that all of the glitches are ironed out beforehand and do a few test runs to verify that your eLearning variables are working properly.

Adding variables is just one way to improve your eLearning program. Read the article 7 Ways To Improve Your Next Online Training Course to discover how to make your eLearning projects more effective, engaging, and memorable.

Originally published on May 17, 2016