7 Tips To Become A Successful eLearning Consultant

7 Tips To Become The Successful eLearning Consultant
Summary: The eLearning consultancy career field is highly competitive, which means that newcomers must be at the top of their game if they want to stand out from the crowd. In this article, I'll share 7 tips for becoming a successful eLearning consultant.

How To Become A Successful eLearning Consultant

Being a successful eLearning consultant offers a wide range of perks, from setting your own schedule to being your own boss. However, those who are new to the eLearning industry will soon discover that growing eLearning popularity has led to a boom in talented eLearning consultants. You must wear many hats from the very beginning and invest a great deal of time, effort, and dedication to reap the rewards. The good news is that there are 7 tips that can help you achieve success in the long-term, even if you have no prior eLearning marketing experience.

  1. Identify your niche.
    Every eLearning professional has unique talents, strengths, and abilities. To be a successful eLearning consultant you must identify what these traits are and then figure out how you can carve out a niche, or fit into an existing one. You must be able to determine how your skills and knowledge translate into solutions. Clients are looking for eLearning consultants who can provide specialized services, such as identifying gaps in their current eLearning program or analyzing their Big Data to create effective eLearning activities. As a result, you have to be aware of what you bring to the table and how you can meet their needs. Identify any gaps in the market and see if your talents can fill them, or do some research to figure out which niches experience continual success. Avoid eLearning specialties that focus on "hot trends", as these will become less popular over time and then you'll have to find a whole new niche.
  2. Research the competition.
    Other eLearning consultants can reveal a great deal about the industry, where it's headed, and where you fit into the big picture. Compile a list of the top 5 competitors in the industry, preferably those who are in your niche. If you need some help identifying the competition, conduct a quick internet search using relevant keywords. Learn as much as possible about how many staff members they employ, what services they provide, their pricing structure, and their eLearning marketing strategy. In addition, carefully examine all of the testimonials, ratings, and client reviews to determine their strengths and weaknesses. For example, if a number of reviewers are mentioning their high price point, then you may want to take this into consideration when creating your own fee structure.
  3. Build a rapport with your client base.
    A successful eLearning consultant must work closely with clients, which requires a certain degree of trust, respect, and credibility. Building a rapport with clients is one of the most challenging aspects of starting any new business, and the consultancy industry is no different. You must work hard to build a solid reputation that attracts new clientele and keeps existing clients loyal. Create social media pages where clients can learn about new services, promotions, and any eLearning events that you are hosting. Reach out to them on a regular basis and always return their messages or emails in a timely manner.
  4. Find the right collaborators.
    Even a solo but successful eLearning consultant need help from time to time. After all, it's nearly impossible to master every task, tool, and subject. Create a list of any collaborators you have worked with in the past and stay in contact with them. If you don't know any other eLearning professionals, consider joining a networking group online or search eLearning freelancing sites to find the right people. The goal is to find a trustworthy team of eLearning professionals who can offer their skills and expertise for future eLearning projects. Likewise, they may call upon you when they have an eLearning project that requires your unique talents.
  5. Promote your services EVERY DAY.
    Marketing your eLearning consultancy services is almost a full-time job, especially if you are new to the eLearning industry. Set aside time each day, preferably an hour or two, and promote yourself on social media sites, forums, blogs, and any other online platforms that can help you build the buzz. It's always wise to create a website and online eLearning portfolio where clients can learn about your eLearning services. Remember that it's all give and take. For example, sharing tips with your Twitter followers may take time, but it will help you build your brand image.
  6. Gather all of your resources.
    Before you even accept your first job you should have an inventory list of all resources that you currently have. This pertains to professional resources, such as eLearning authoring tools, as well as a budget to track all of your monetary resources. You will have a clear idea of what you're working with and what you still need for future eLearning projects. It also helps you formulate more accurate estimates for your clients, as you can include any extra expenses for additional tools and materials.
  7. Create a solid pricing structure.
    Will you be charging on an hourly basis, or would you prefer to bill for a flat fee? This is the big question you'll have to ask yourself before you accept your first eLearning project. You'll also have to calculate how much you need to charge in order to turn a profit, and to remain competitive in your niche. Again, you should research the competition to see how much they are charging and take a closer look at the eLearning industry rates. Don't be afraid to adjust your pricing structure over time to find the right fee for your eLearning services.

Follow these 7 tips to forge your path to success and be the best eLearning consultant you can be. It may require a significant amount of trial and error, self-promotion, and perseverance, but being able to achieve your goals on your own terms is well worth it in the end.

All successful eLearning freelancers and consultants have a few key traits in common. Read the article The Top 5 Habits Of Highly Successful eLearning Freelancers to discover everything that highly successful eLearning freelancers know to do.

Originally published on May 11, 2016