7 eLearning Specialties That Are On The Rise

7 eLearning Specialties That Are On The Rise
Summary: Are you thinking about breaking into a new eLearning speciality? Still undecided about which eLearning speciality will lead to long term success? If so, take a few moments to read this article and learn about the eLearning specialties that are on the rise.

eLearning Specialties That Are On The Rise

Selecting a specialty can give you the opportunity to become a master at your craft. You can be the "go-to" expert in your field, and turn your passion for eLearning into a lifelong career. While there are a myriad of eLearning specialties to choose from, here are a few rapidly growing eLearning specialties you may want to consider.

  1. Mobile Learning Specialist.
    An increasing number of learners are now turning to their mobile phones, tablets, and other on-the-go gadgets to access eLearning courses. As a result, mobile learning development is on the rise. Mobile learning specialists design mobile-friendly online courses, and ensure that they are accessible on multiple platforms.
  2. Gamification Specialist.
    There isn’t any doubt that gamification in eLearning is more popular than ever before. Corporations and private education institutions are becoming aware of the many benefits that gamification can bring to the eLearning experience, such as increased motivation and learner engagement. Gone are the days of dry and dull mandatory training, thanks to badges, points, and leaderboards that encourage learners to actively participate in order to compete with their peers. Gamification specialists are charged with designing eLearning gamification strategies, such as a badge system or rewards program, and developing eLearning games that center on learning objectives and goals. This may involve scenarios, interactive presentations, and simulations.
  3. Wearable Technology Specialist.
    This is one of the newest eLearning specialists, but it is quickly becoming one of the standout sectors. Wearable technology, such as smartwatches and smart glasses, such as Google Glass, are no longer the stuff of dreams, and eLearning professionals have the opportunity to make eLearning more interactive and immersive by tapping into the power of this technology. Just imagine how engaging a virtual reality eLearning scenario or simulation could be? Wearable technology specialists must think of ways to integrate these gadgets into the curriculum, as well as develop learning apps that are supported by these tech tools.
  4. Learning Analytics Specialist.
    Data is one of the most precious commodities we have, especially in the eLearning sector. It gives us the ability to learn as much as possible about how our learners are progressing, what they need to get the most of the eLearning course, and how to improve the eLearning experience for future learners. Today, we are dealing with mass quantities of information, which is collectively referred to as Big Data. A learning analytics specialist may be in charge of managing data, creating the code or software the collects data, and analyzing the data that is collected. After all, data isn’t of any value unless you can figure out what to do with it, right?
  5. Online Training Specialist.
    According to latest research data the online corporate market is expected to grow by 13% per year up to 2017. Today, 77% of USA companies offer online corporate training to improve the professional development of their employees [1]. This means that online training specialists are high in demand, as more and more corporations are seeking online Learning and Development programs for their employees. This specialty often involves identifying learning goals, performance goals, and objectives, developing online training materials, and creating interactive and engaging compliance deliverables. In addition, online training specialists help corporations examine their current online training strategy, identify its strengths and weaknesses, and then formulate a new and improved eLearning plan. Online training specialist can work in a wide range of corporate settings, from Fortune 500 companies to charitable organizations.
  6. Online Safety Training Specialist.
    Compliance safety training tends to be boring and dull, let’s face it. However, adding that all-important interactive element and boosting the engagement factor with eLearning videos, virtual presentations, and simulations can make online safety training more effective and entertaining. Online safety training specialists are charged with developing compliance training and safety online modules for organizations. They must also stay up-to-date with the latest rules and regulations, as well as research the needs of their corporate learners, in order to create safety training experiences that offer the best ROI.
  7. Online Retail/Sales Training Specialist.
    Retail and sales associates perform more effectively when they have the tools and knowledge they need. A online retail or sales training specialist helps organizations by developing online training modules that focus on job-related skills and moment-of-need information. This often involves mobile learning courses, such as online scenarios and simulations that employees can access while they are on the sales floor or interactive guides that walk customer services associates through the return process.

Take time to research the eLearning niche that appeal to you, so that you can choose the path that suits your talents and skills. The eLearning industry offers a wealth of opportunities, and finding the right eLearning specialty can lead to an exciting and prosperous eLearning career.

One of the perks of finding your niche is reaping the financial rewards. Read the  article What Will Your eLearning Salary Be Like In 5 Years? 6 Factors To Consider to gain insight into what your eLearning salary might be like 5 years from now.


Originally published on September 20, 2015