The 7 Top Benefits Of Using Infographics In Online Training

The 7 Top Benefits Of Using Infographics In Online Training
Summary: Infographics are used in a variety of different ways, from illustrating important trends to raising awareness for charitable causes. However, they can also be a practical and powerful tool in online training. In this article, I'll highlight 7 of the most notable benefits of using infographics in your online training program.

7 Reasons To Use Infographics In Online Training

Infographics have the power to make broad or complex ideas more distilled and simplified. Rather than sifting through large amounts of information, you can get all of the data, stats, and highlights you need in one colorful, creative, and engaging infographic. This makes them a natural fit in online training experiences, particularly if dry, dull, or complicated subject matter is involved. In fact, they can offer a wide range of benefits, some of which you might not have even thought of…until now.

  1. Offers a visual step-by-step task guide. 
    Learning complicated tasks that involve a number of different steps can be challenging, even if you use bullet point lists or a concept map to break it down to its most basic components. An infographic offers you the power to make it more memorable and engaging by incorporating a visual element. For example, you can include a picture that relates to each step, such as an image of an employee removing a part from a piece of equipment when you are illustrating a repair process. This is particularly useful for learners who are less likely to remember text-based walkthroughs.
  2. Simplifies complex concepts or ideas. 
    More involved concepts or ideas that have a variety of different sub-topics are ideally suited for eLearning infographics. This is because an infographic simplifies and distills information down to easily digestible pieces. It also has the power to grab your employees' attention, which prompts them to engage and interact with the eLearning content in a more meaningful way. You can create colorful charts or graphs that highlight trends, or include pictures that showcase a specific detail. For example, you can include picture bubbles to focus on the inner mechanisms of equipment.
  3. Increases knowledge retention. 
    One of the most significant advantages of using infographics in online training is that it enhances knowledge retention and recall. Employees remember visually compelling charts, images, and other infographic elements much more effectively than text-based online content. It also offers them a quick overview of the topic, which means that they don't have to read through a paragraph and search for the need-to-know information. To achieve the desired effect, however, you must ensure that your infographic sets the right tone. Use images that directly relate to the subject matter and draw the attention of your employees, but avoiding adding so many graphics that it distracts them from the key takeaways. Keep in mind that the primary goal is to provide them with a clear and cohesive snapshot of the idea or concept, not to confused them with dazzling colors and a myriad of images.
  4. Aligns with your brand image. 
    You can customize every aspect of your infographic. As such, you can make it fall in line with your brand image and messaging. Anyone who views the infographic on your site or on a third-party social media platform, will know that it comes from your eLearning company. This can build brand awareness and raise your credibility, even among your corporate audience. Just by looking at the infographic your employees will be able to get a complete picture of what you stand for and how they can help portray your brand image when dealing with customers.
  5. Improves employee satisfaction. 
    Infographics are much more personal and engaging than text-based online training content. They stress the fact that you care about employee development, and that you want them to have the information and tools they need to succeed in the workplace. As a result, employees will feel more satisfied about their job and more confident when they are performing their work duties. This leads to an increase of productivity and employee retention rates. A satisfied employee is more likely to keep their current job instead of trying to find other employment opportunities that can offer them the online training they require.
  6. Serves as a convenient job aid. 
    Employees are typically not able to simply access an online training course or read through a job manual when they are in the middle of a transaction. They cannot stop what they are doing to participate in an online training scenario or simulation. This is where eLearning infographics come into play. They give your employees the information they need quickly and conveniently. Instead of having to sift through an abundance of data to find the features of a product or to discover the next step in a task, they can just look at the infographic whenever the need arises.
  7. Engages distracted corporate learners. 
    There are a variety of reasons why your employees might be distracted during the online training process. It might be that they have a heavy workload or are dealing with tight deadlines. Whatever the case is, an infographic can help them focus on the key information and not waste a moment of their time. It also features eye-catching visuals that command their attention. They may even pass it along to other members of your staff, who will also benefit from the compelling imagery and condensed information. A well-crafted infographic has the power to go viral within your organization, even if it features information that it is typically dry or dull, such as compliance online training highlights.

Infographics in online training will only yield these benefits if they include all of the essential elements. They must be clear, concise, and compelling. Above all else, infographics in online training have to condense information down to its most basic components, and make the data easily digestible for your corporate audience.

If our brains process information more effectively when it’s in a visual format, visual notes in eLearning offers online learners the opportunity to expand their comprehension. Read the article Visual Notes In eLearning: 6 Tips To Enhance Your Online Learners' Experience and discover how to apply this powerful cognitive principle of notetaking in order to boost knowledge retention.

Originally published on March 13, 2016