8 Key Elements Of Using Action Mapping In Online Training


8 Key Elements Of Using Action Mapping In Online Training

The Top 8 Key Elements Of Using Action Mapping In Online Training

There are a variety of advantages associated with action mapping in online training. It gives companies the chance to identify performance gaps and determine the most effective way to fill them, so that can make the most of their corporate resources. But what are the basic components that make up a winning online training strategy based on action mapping, and how can you integrate this approach into your online training program? The secret is ensuring that you've included each of the following elements in your online training strategy.

  1. Measurable performance goals.
    First and foremost, your online training course based on action mapping must have clear and measurable performance goals and objectives. These goals should be centered on skills that your employees need to do their job, as well as known performance issues that may be holding them back. Ideally, they will align with the overall goals of the company and its mission statement. For example, an organization that prides itself on customer care would offer a wide range of customer service online training activities. Keep in mind that they key word here is "measurable". All of the goals that you develop should have criteria or a way to track progress. For instance, an organization that wants to improve their sales might set a sales goal for the first quarter. If the goal is not met they can carefully analyze their corporate strategy and determine the areas that may need improvement.
  2. Plan for how to fill performance gaps.
    The key to fostering real change within your company is to create a winning performance management online training strategy. That means that you have to identify the performance gaps and determine the best way to fill them. Carefully analyze work duties, speak with upper management, and figure out which skills οr information your employees lack. This gives you the opportunity to develop a plan of action that suits their individual needs and enhances their productivity. Be as specific as possible when you are determining your performance gaps to avoid overwhelming employees with information they don’t really need or activities that are more generalized.
  3. Real-world online training activities.
    Real world value is essential when action mapping is employed in online training programs. You must be able to tie every activity, piece of content, and assessment into real world applications and benefits. Ultimately, the best way to offer employees experience without the risk is by developing scenarios, simulations, and eLearning games. Doing so, gives you the chance to test their knowledge and skills, and allows them to explore the repercussions of their actions in a safe and supportive environment. Your action map must include a variety of different real-world activities that align with the online training goals and give corporate learners the ability to apply what they’ve learned.
  4. Employee-centered online training materials.
    Each and every online training material you create should be employee-centered, geared toward their needs, preferences, and objectives. More specifically, it must offer your employees the knowledge and skills they need to do their job effectively, rather than giving them a “one-size-fits-all” online training course. It’s wise to include opt-out online assessments that allow more experienced employees to skip modules, as well as a clickable online training course maps from which they can pick and choose their next online training module. Remember that employees are busy, and they simply won’t have time to peruse through the entire online training course to find the knowledge they need.
  5. Supplemental online training resources.
    An online training course is just component of a successful action mapping online training strategy. Organizations must also be ready and willing to offer their employees supplemental online resources that they can explore on their own. For example, you may wish to upload a link list to the LMS that includes online articles, videos, and podcasts employees will benefit from. This also provides them with on-the-job online training materials that they can access anytime, especially when they are in need of a quick reference. Ideally, link lists should be divided into categories so that employees can access the information they require without having to peruse the entire page.
  6. Focus on specific skills that are necessary in the workplace.
    In addition to employee-centered content, companies must also focus on general skills that every employee needs to get answered. Furthermore, each of these skills must be necessary in the workplace. They don’t necessarily need to know every task and process that occurs within your organization, but they should know enough to represent your company to the best of their ability. For instance, an employee in your tech department may not need to learn how to complete a return. However, they should build their customer service skills and know how to use a sales terminal, just in case they do need to interact with customers from time to time.
  7. Prototypes.
    Once you’ve conducted you initial meetings it is time to develop your prototypes. This helps you to custom tailor your online training activities based on specific skills and performance gaps. It also cuts down on revisions later on, as you will already have a clear idea of what works and what needs to be improved. If possible, conduct focus groups and employee testing to resolve any issues before you launch.
  8. Ongoing online training.
    The simple truth is that no online training program is ever really complete. Online training is an ongoing process that gives employees the information they need to meet the ever-changing goals and objectives of your company. Encourage them to participate in online scenarios periodically and create updated modules that center on product online training and compliance procedures. Above all else, develop an online training culture that stresses the importance of ongoing education.

Reduce development time and make your performance management online training strategy even more effective. Use these 8 tips to ensure that you set goals you can track and offer employees the resources they need to boost productivity and efficiency.

Now that you know the core components of action mapping, take a moment to read the article Action Mapping In eLearning: 7 Benefits For eLearning Professionals and learn about the many benefits that this approach can offer your organization.

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