8 Advantages Of Using Rapid eLearning Authoring Tools

8 Advantages Of Using Rapid eLearning Authoring Tools
Summary: Numerous organizations now rely on rapid eLearning authoring tools to expedite the online training process and cut costs. But is it the right solution for your eLearning needs? In this article, I'll share the top 8 benefits of rapid eLearning authoring tools that you may want to consider.

How To Use Rapid eLearning Authoring Tools: 8 Advantages For eLearning Professionals

Your organization requires a more flexible corporate training solution that adapts to its ever-changing needs? Are you looking for ways to cut corporate eLearning costs and development time? If so, then rapid eLearning authoring tools may be the ideal approach. Here are some of the most notable advantages of using rapid eLearning authoring tools for your online training course.

1. Speeds Up The eLearning Development Process

One of the most significant benefits of using a rapid eLearning authoring tool is decreased development time. The rapid eLearning authoring tool features templates, themes, and interactions that you can integrate into your eLearning course design. As such, you no longer have to spend time gathering media and/or outsourcing more involved tasks, such as creating a layout for your branching scenario. This is particularly advantageous for more comprehensive eLearning courses or advanced activities, such as interactive exercises.

2. Easier To Upkeep And Update

Rapid eLearning authoring tools allow for quick updates and revisions to your eLearning course design. Simply access your existing eLearning course materials and make the necessary changes to the eLearning template or create new eLearning content to keep with compliance and evolving learner needs. As such, your corporate learners are able to stay up-to-date with regulations and company policies. Furthermore, you can always provide them with the targeted knowledge they need to achieve their goals.

3. Increases Learner Engagement And Participation

Fast turnaround times and stress-free updates give you the power to create relevant eLearning experiences. Your online learners have constant access to online training material that cater to their specific needs. In addition, rapid eLearning is also "rapid" on the learners' part. Ideally, online training resources are bite-sized and easy to absorb. Thus, online learners are more likely to engage with the eLearning content and actively participate so that they receive the full benefit.

4. Improves Knowledge Retention

All of the aforementioned benefits lead to another key advantage; a dramatic increase in knowledge retention and recall. Online learners are able to connect with the subject matter more effectively, as it is relevant and goal-centered. As a result, they are more likely to remember the core ideas and concepts. Rapid eLearning materials usually offer brief bursts of information. This way online learners can focus on one topic at a time, absorb the facts/stats, and then move onto the next online training activity. However, they always have the opportunity to come back to revisit the online resource at a later time. For example, when they are struggling to complete a task on-the-job.

5. Maximizes Company Resources

You don't have to hire a large team of L&D professionals to create rapid eLearning courses. Instead, you just need a few key players who will use their expertise to create the core online training content. The rapid eLearning authoring tool takes care of most of the time-consuming work, such as finding third-party images or downloading eLearning templates. Everything is already contained in one multi-functional platform. As a result, your organization is able to allocate resources more efficiently and improve ROI.

6. Cuts eLearning Development Costs

There are two primary reasons why a rapid eLearning authoring tool reduces eLearning development cost. First and foremost, it negates the need for additional third-party software and media. The LMS platform already has built-in assets. Just install/download the rapid eLearning authoring tool and start creating visually compelling eLearning courses. The second cost-saving perk comes from the reduction in seat time. Rapid eLearning courses are easier to digest, which means that online learners get the information they require in a fraction of the time. Less seat time translates into more time in the workplace. Therefore, the productivity of your organization is maximized and you get the most out of payroll hours.

7. Deploy Multiplatform-Friendly Online Training Resources

Many rapid eLearning authoring tools are equipped with responsive design features. This allows you to create multiplatform-friendly online content that's accessible on any device. From good old-fashioned laptops to wearable gadgets. The system gives you the ability to create a master layout with different breakpoints. Then it automatically adjusts the layout based on the resolution, screen size and orientation. Your online learners are able to get the information they need whenever, wherever, and your organization doesn't have to spend valuable time or resources developing multiple versions of your online training course.

8. Produce Top-Notch eLearning Courses With No Prior Experience

In most cases, rapid eLearning tools have virtually everything you need to create an effective online training course, from eLearning templates and themes to cut-out eLearning characters. Therefore, you don't necessarily need to have a great deal of experience. In fact, the Subject Matter Expert often plays a prominent role in rapid eLearning projects. They help identify the key takeaways and pinpoint which online resources are ideal for the task. Then the eLearning content is uploaded to the rapid eLearning authoring tool template. As a result, virtually anyone can create interactive, high quality eLearning experiences right from the start.

Network with other eLearning professionals to discover their rapid eLearning authoring tool of choice. They'll be able to offer first-hand recommendations and tell you which platforms are worth the price. You can also test out the rapid eLearning authoring tools with free trials and demos. Just make sure that you meet with your eLearning team beforehand to get their input. Otherwise, you may end up with an eLearning authoring tool that falls short of expectations or doesn't align with their skill sets.

Rapid eLearning authoring tools may not be the perfect fit for all eLearning projects, such as comprehensive courses that cover a broad range of subject matters, for example. This is due to the fact that both the development and the learning process are intended to be short and succinct. However, you can use rapid eLearning authoring tools to produce support resources and microlearning materials, in addition to online training courses that focus on a specific topic or task.

Do you know how to avoid the rapid eLearning hurdles? Read the article 7 Common Challenges Rapid eLearning Developers Must Overcome to help you overcome 7 common challenges rapid eLearning developers are likely to face.

Originally published on February 2, 2017