eLearning Marketing Articles

Here you can find the top articles about Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, Lead Generation and more!
April 23, 2013

What The Training Business Can Learn From Amanda Palmer

Empowered by Amanda Palmer's outlook, can you change your behavior to be more learner-centric? Can you use these simple principles to connect more effectively with both your clients and your learners? Will you be able to serve as a reliable, trusted connector to provide your learners additional opportunities to learn, explore and increase their performance, all without knowing that they've been "trained?"
by Ron Arnold, Ed.D.
April 23, 2013

E-Learning And Videoconferencing Together For A Green, Integrated And Efficient Online Training

E-Learning is a strategic asset for those companies who are looking for an efficient and cost-effective way to deliver professional and certified trainings. However, in order to take the most out of an Online Training project, the Videoconferencing System availability is a must, as it allows to improve even further the training outcomes and the overall end user experience.
by Jacopo Mauri
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