
April 14, 2018 | Sponsored

Artificial Intelligence: Transforming Learning Support For Better Workplace Performance

We may not be aware of it, but Artificial Intelligence is already playing a major role in our everyday lives. It’s there, behind our Google searches and the recommendations we receive from Amazon and Netflix. It’s even become part of the furniture: think of Amazon’s Alexa devices. But AI is not just being used to retrieve information or perform tasks; it’s also involved in teaching and learning. Want to pick up a new language? Try the Duolingo app—powered by AI. So, if AI is out there, why not use it at work? AI is about to transform learning in the workplace.
by Paul Healy
April 14, 2018

Learning And Organization Development

When organizations choose to integrate employee learning in their work environment and manage knowledge as a valuable asset, organizational development and performance can reach new heights of measurable success. Positive outcomes may include flatter hierarchies, higher levels of teamwork, interdependent decision making, and unobstructed communication flows across the enterprise.
by Peter Nanopoulos
April 13, 2018 | Sponsored

What Can An AI Virtual Assistant Do For Workplace Learning?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is in the news a lot these days, but often with negative connotations, especially for work. There are predictions of mass redundancies as robots take over our jobs. But let’s banish those nightmares and take a sober look at how AIs working to our advantage. Instead consider how an AI Virtual Assistant can make the workplace a more productive, efficient, and stimulating environment.
by Emma Whiteside