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Beyond The Paycheck: 7 Exceptional Work Perks

Beyond The Paycheck: 8 Exceptional Work Perks
Vitalii Matokha/Shutterstock.com
Summary: Discover the secret behind a happy work environment by reading about 7 work perks that aren't salary-related. From mental health support to pet-friendly offices, get inspired with these benefits and transform your employees' work lives.

Unconventional Work Perks For Employee Satisfaction

We spend lots of hours at work. So, it's important we feel satisfied and content on the job. While a steady and sufficient salary is always appreciated, extra work perks are what keep employees engaged and loyal to a company. With high turnover rates becoming a significant challenge, more and more businesses have started introducing compensation packages that go beyond the good old paycheck. If you're considering making impressive benefit plans or want to up your game with the current work perks, this article is for you.

7 Extraordinary Work Perks That Aren't About Salary

1. Remote Work

Remote work has become popular in recent years, not only because of the COVID-19 pandemic but also due to the constant advancements in technology that make it possible for people to work from anywhere. Giving your employees the flexibility to work from their home office or favorite coffee shop is a work perk that modern employees often enjoy. It gives them the ability to balance their personal and work lives, spending more time with their families or doing things they love. They're also more productive since there aren't any office distractions, which usually allows them to get more things done. Plus, it gives your employees a sense of appreciation, as you trust them enough to provide them with the freedom to manage their time and workload.

2. PTO And Compressed Workweeks

The shorter workweek is the new business-world trend that seems to be gaining more ground globally. Employees handle their usual tasks in four days instead of five. This way, they will have an extra day off while keeping their regular work hours. Although it's not ideal for everyone, most employees would like this extra time to work on their hobbies, education, etc. Speaking of extra days off, you might want to consider unlimited PTO policies as well. This encourages employees to take some time off whenever the need arises without worrying about losing their vacation days. It can vary from a four-day weekend to a week away for traveling or decompressing. However, you should consider your team's productivity and performance rates and adjust this policy accordingly.

3. On-Site Wellness Initiatives

Having a dedicated area in the office for working out or meditating isn't necessarily a luxury. Although it's a rather expensive incentive, it can be worth the investment. Not only is it a selling point that will attract talent, but it's also an effective way to retain your employees. After all, it's imperative to care for your workforce's physical health, and what's a better way to do this than encouraging them to work out and eat healthy with on-site fitness facilities? This will encourage everyone, even those not fond of exercise, to enjoy a healthy break from work and do something beneficial for themselves. To enrich the experience, organize occasional group training sessions and invite nutrition and fitness experts. They can advise your employees and motivate them to begin working out.

4. Mental Health Support

Employees need to feel that they have adequate support and that their mental health matters. Since everyone seems to have too much on their plates nowadays, a workplace that takes care of your well-being is more important to some people than the salary they bring home. Fortunately, companies have realized that people can't be productive while they're stressed or struggling with other issues, thus making mental health support programs popular in the workplace. These programs vary from having an on-site therapist or counselor available for regular sessions to meditation programs. Let's not forget that mental health days are also important. These are extra paid leave days that employees can take when they struggle mentally and need time to decompress. Encouraging your workforce to take a break and care for their minds creates a healthy work environment, one of the most sought-after work perks.

5. Investment In Education

A company that values its employees' personal and professional growth is attractive to candidates and loyal staffers alike. People want to know that they have development opportunities when joining a company and that their potential is recognized. For example, organizations might pay for courses and certifications that resonate with each employee's role. Many people want to advance their education but are discouraged by the high costs involved. By covering these expenses, you're boosting their careers and helping them improve their skills.

6. Personalized Office Environments

Going to the office and feeling like you're in a safe space is a wonderful feeling. Modern companies have realized that their office designs should reflect their company culture and values, and that is why they've started decorating their premises accordingly. Having a meeting room that resembles a living room or an open kitchen with a large table where people can chat and talk about their day makes employees happy to go to work, even if there's a busy day ahead of them. Another great perk would be to create a pet-friendly environment. This way, employees won't be away from their furry friends while working.

7. Social Activities

Imagine working for a company that wants to make you happy and keep you engaged through various impactful initiatives. This is what social activities are about, and they are an often overlooked work perk. Companies that want to give back to the community through volunteer programs or other activities with a social impact are always popular with job seekers. Additionally, they allow your employees to raise awareness and get behind a greater cause. So, start organizing volunteer events during work hours and do it regularly. You can also donate a certain amount of money to different organizations each month to support various causes of your employees' choice. But social activities should also involve employees building meaningful relationships with each other. One of the best ways to encourage bonding is by hosting an outdoor retreat where everyone can have fun together and learn more about their coworkers.


Since employees today seek something more than just a paycheck, you may want to think about implementing unconventional work perks. After all, nothing beats the feeling of waking up and being excited to go to work. Benefits play a significant role in attracting and retaining talent, and you should always stay up to date with the latest trends. So, think outside the box, follow our tips, and come up with your own ideas to offer your people an exceptional work experience.

Originally published on November 2, 2023