How To Create A Leadership Development Plan Example That's Easy To Personalize

How To Create A Leadership Development Plan Example That's Easy To Personalize

How To Create A Leadership Development Plan Example That's Easy To Personalize

Creating An Easily Personalized Leadership Development Plan Example

Think of a leadership development plan as a template you can reuse time and again to customize online training paths. Small tweaks here and there cater to different job duties, skill gaps, and learner preferences. The key is to develop examples that are easy to customize for every member of your organization. From new hires who are unsure about their roles, even though they show promise. To team leaders who need to broaden their talents and build real-world experience, without the risk. Here are some tips for creating a leadership development plan that allows everyone to add their personal touch.

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1. Incorporate Self-Guided Certification Paths

Employees get to pick their own certification paths to incorporate into their leadership development plan example. These paths are self-guided so that they go at their own pace and focus on personal pain points. They can also explore other areas of your industry or company. Such as certifications that tie into other departments or higher job ranks for more advancement opportunities. Give them a few suggestions to start within the example based on their talents and abilities. Then invite them to look at the cert catalog for additions of their own. Another option is to develop flexible certification programs for every department of job title.

2. Include Knowledge Checks To Automate Path Detours

Every leadership development plan example should have progress checks so that employees can adjust their paths accordingly. You can even incorporate these online training self-assessments into the online training course design to automate the process. For example, they must complete a pop quiz after every activity to test their knowledge. At which point, the system presents them with a list of suitable resources to bridge gaps and hone their hidden talents. This is also beneficial for emerging leaders who are still on the fence about stepping into a management role. Do they have what it takes to lead the team? Are there any undisclosed skills that can help them overcome supervisory challenges?

3. Add Activity Placeholders For Skill And Performance Gaps

Your leadership development example must be holistic to get the job done. It needs to address individual performance issues and skill shortcomings that hinder employee growth. So, include placeholders for these gaps and provide a list of recommended resources. For example, employees can choose from 10 different activities to build communication skills. These are all taken straight from the JIT library so they can revisit them time and again. Make sure to include a good variety of support tools to cater to different needs and interests. Such as tutorials, video demos, and serious games that impart real-world experience and support different learning styles.

4. Pair A Structured Curriculum With Peer-Based Coaching Programs

Leadership development is usually a group effort. Staffers help each other excel and fine-tune their skills to be their best selves. After all, knowledge is one of the most precious commodities in your organization. Encourage employees to provide eLearning feedback, tips, and ideas through peer-based coaching programs. These coaching sessions reinforce their knowledge and serve as progress checks. For example, one member of the group/pair just completed a certification course. They can meet up to discuss the experience and outcomes. As well as how the individual should move forward to achieve their career goals. You can even include a peer-based coaching calendar in the leadership development plan example.

5. Encourage Employees To Set Their Own Development Timelines

Speaking of calendars, employees need to be able to set their own development timelines. This includes tie-in goals and objectives. For instance, they must finish the soft skills certification online training course within the first month. This involves a series of milestones to monitor their performance. Employee training participants are more likely to engage if they have control of the experience. If they’re the ones, who held accountable for their actions. If you need to make it official, implement online training contracts that spell out the details. Make sure the employee is involved and understands the terms. This is the ideal approach for emerging leaders who may lack the necessary motivation or structure. They know they have what it takes but need a little nudge to achieve their goals.

6. Begin And End With Goal Evaluation

Successful leadership development online training plans are bookended with goal evaluation. In the beginning, employees take a closer look at their current goals to determine if they’re still relevant. Does the goal bring them one step further along the path to team management? Does it help them hone a skill or task they need to rise to the challenge? After the online training course or certification path, revisit the goals to check them off the list or expand on them. For example, the online training uncovered some hidden weaknesses the employee needs to work on before they can accomplish the primary goal. Or they realize that they can skip the next goal on the list because they’re more advanced than they thought.

A leadership development plan example is just a springboard for personalization within your organization. You must still put in the work to identify preferences, individual needs, and job requirements. As well as look at your existing strategy under a microscope to detect hidden areas for improvement. That way, you can add new activities and resources to the template to keep up with modern expectations and emerging challenges. Also, don’t forget to refresh your example periodically to avoid stagnation and keep your team leaders on their toes.

Leadership online training benefits every member of your organization, from new hires to higher-ups. Download the eBook Transform Top Talent Into Team Leaders: The Ultimate Guide For Leadership Development Training and find out how to create outstanding leadership development training—along with the pitfalls you should avoid, and more.

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