eBook Release: The Engagement Engine Workbook

Free eBook: The Engagement Engine Workbook

Free eBook: The Engagement Engine Workbook

The Engagement Engine Workbook

There are more than one ways to get to learner engagement, but Growth Engineering seems to get you there every time. What’s important to mention is that all is done with fun and excitement – not only for you, but mostly for your learners.

eBook Release
The Engagement Engine Workbook
Discover our Engagement Engine, made out of Gamification, Social Learning, and Personalisation, the terrific trio of learner love, and take your learners from ‘zero’ to ‘hero’ in a matter of moments!

What you are getting into here is work and play in the right proportions. Trust The Engagement Engine Workbook to meet your expectations. The way everything is laid down in its pages is ideal to provide you with the appropriate knowledge and turn you into the engine driver your L&D initiative needs. Engage your learners in a fun journey with the final destination being the professional level that fulfills their potential and serves your company best.

About The eBook

Firstly, you are introduced to the philosophy of The Engagement Engine Workbook by a three-step guide to become a model L&D superstar. Then, the engine takes the stage and you’re taught how to operate it in personalization, gamification, and social learning modes. You also get a taste of them, through examples or show cases. Lastly, you are guided to write down your own game plan to get started. Here are the contents of the eBook:

Talking about learner engagement without setting bases for the course of action that you should take will lead you nowhere. You should always have in mind to create a learning culture, and as many opportunities for learning as possible, plus to promote informal learning. By staying faithful to these you’ll be handling the engagement machine with greater efficiency. To all the above you must add the fuel, that is your organizational mission, vision, values, and brand. This fuel will keep the engine running and bring personal commitment.

First mentioned in The Engagement Engine Workbook is how to make training more relevant to each learner, thus more meaningful. Personalization, which is the case here, will motivate learners. Work on creating an “epic meaning” and all engaged will relate gladly. Treat everyone as an individual, use relevant imagery, terminology, and delivery methods, and provide role development opportunities and the rightful rewards.

Moving on to gamification, you can read how applying gaming mechanics to make learning experiences more enjoyable builds you learner engagement. It has an effect on everybody, increasing assessment scores and retention. Badges, achievements, timers, levels, and leaderboards all serve as motivational ingredients. You’ll be surprised to learn that people of all ages love to play and compete with their colleagues.

Having applied the above, the finalization comes through social learning. It’s the sharing of the knowledge that is serving as the repetitive factor that’ll make it stick. It is also a channel that takes training results into contexts and situations relevant to the learners. Read about social streams, live chat, groups, surveys, and social Q&A to decide how to put them to use.

What it all comes down to is the skills an operator of this engagement engine must possess. One must be able to use all the features given. What the Growth Engineering’s authors left for last is providing you with tips, examples, and showcases of the engagement engine in action. At the end, you have everything you need to create your learning superheroes.

If you want to discover more about learners engagement through personalization, gamification, and social learning, download this eBook today.

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