
July 11, 2013

Analyzing A LMS For A Device-Agnostic Content Strategy

In this post, I will analyze the key features that LMSs should display in order to facilitate a device-agnostic content strategy that can respond to today´s learning environments. By considering as an example a platform that is based on a mobile-first way of thinking, Instancy´s Mobile Learning App Platform, I will highlight which are the capabilities we need to take into account to successfully adapt to learners´ current needs.
by Mayra Aixa Villar
July 3, 2013

Is eLearning Content King, Queen or a Slave?

When it comes to eLearning, content means everything. So even though eLearning technology, structure, presentation and effective assessment methods are key factors for a successful eLearning course and an enriching learner’s experience, if eLearning content is not masterfully designed, all the rest will just go down the drain. So, the questions is how to measure eLearning content effectiveness?
by Christopher Pappas
July 2, 2013

7 Ways To Make Your Mandatory Training More Exciting!

Annual mandatory training is common in many organizations, but does not always scream excitement to employees. It’s that dreaded time of the year employees hope to get the checkmark for and revisit 12 months later. Hearing that training is a must may even cause stress and anxiety. As an e-Learning developer, it’s important to think of ways your course can erase the negative feelings associated with training and turn training into an enjoyable experience. But how?
by Kristen Marshall