Corporate eLearning

Corporate eLearning: News, trends and tips for the best practices in corporate training. Find out more in our eLearning database

July 11, 2013

Is DITA The Answer For Learning & Training?

You can author, manage, and deliver your Learning & Training content in multiple languages and formats on smartphones, tablets, e-books with DITA XML and a good Component Content Management System (CCMS). The cost savings downstream can be substantial, but there is work to be done upfront. How do you know whether your organization is a good fit for a structured content L&T solution?
by Stephen Page Morse
July 2, 2013

7 Ways To Make Your Mandatory Training More Exciting!

Annual mandatory training is common in many organizations, but does not always scream excitement to employees. It’s that dreaded time of the year employees hope to get the checkmark for and revisit 12 months later. Hearing that training is a must may even cause stress and anxiety. As an e-Learning developer, it’s important to think of ways your course can erase the negative feelings associated with training and turn training into an enjoyable experience. But how?
by Kristen Marshall
June 8, 2013

What Employers Really Think About Distance Learning

As the internet continues to change the way our society interacts with one another, it is natural that it has begun to change the way we educate ourselves as well. In the past fifteen years, distance learning has exploded as not only an extremely convenient means of obtaining a college degree, but in some cases even the necessary means of obtaining a degree. Few people have the luxury of devoting four years on campus as a full time student in our modern economy.
by Lisa Barnes
May 16, 2013

3 Learning Strategies To Engage Millennials – We Aren’t That Different

As a millennial, I feel like we already have a bad reputation before even entering the workforce. People think that we’re lazy, have no attention span, spend all day on social media and that we don’t respect the workplace. Now I can’t speak for my whole generation but I know from my experiences with my peers that we’re multi-taskers, self-learners, resourceful, very comfortable with technology and we’re just as dedicated to adding value to the workplace as any generation before us.
by Elisabeth Arellano
May 13, 2013

5 Tips To Motivate Employees To Better Performance

Motivating a company's employees has never been an easy task, especially if we consider that we live in the era of speed, where people want everything to be fast and accessible. As a result, many companies invest high sums of money into a training program which fails provide the aimed results. However, by implementing a set of well-thought strategies, the employees can easily become more engaged and ready to deliver performance. Below, I present to you 5 ways in which executives can motivate their employees quickly and efficiently.
by Jason Silberman
April 8, 2013

Soft Skills Training that Actually Isn’t

Do you remember taking a “soft skills” training class earlier in your career? Perhaps a sales skills training course? A leadership communication skills class? I’m betting you spent the majority of your training time listening to an instructor, watching a few video segments and taking some notes. What percentage of the time in your class was focused on role plays or other behavioral learning activities that allowed you to practice the skills you were supposed to learn?
by Bryan Austin
March 11, 2013

7 Important Tips For Training Success After It Ends

Speak to any learning officer within an organization and he/she will surely tell you that two of the biggest challenges they face are getting their employees to retain the knowledge they received during the initial training sessions, and beyond that to apply that knowledge to practical skills and daily tasks.  It's not an easy thing to answer, and there are no simple solutions.  But here are seven tips toward achieving that objective.
by Jason Silberman
March 10, 2013

Business Opportunities Around MOOC

MOOC (massive open online courses) become popular more and more. Lots of people are involved in a discussion about MOOC. E-Learning portals publish news and press releases related to MOOC every day. Millions of students learn courses and leave their feedback. One of most popular discussions related to MOOCs is about if is this possible MOOCs replace traditional higher education. 
by Roman Gelembjuk