Educational Technology

All you need to know about the wide field of Educational Technology from the authors of eLearning Industry. Tell us your opinion by submitting your article now!

December 2, 2012

12 YouTube Videos Every Online Educator Should View

What are the benefits for the teacher and learner in the context of open education and OER? How does a blended-learning school boost student achievement? How can we design the schools for 21st Century Learning? How will be the classroom of tomorrow? What are the tools and resources for the 21st Century Educator?
by Christopher Pappas
November 25, 2012

Blogs And Education: What Is The Big Deal?

Blogs constitute a digital asynchronous tool, which makes it an environment very suitable for the management of knowledge and that is a reason that blogs are considered to be strong pedagogical tool. Would you be interested to know how to use blogs in education?
by Maria Manolopoulou
November 21, 2012

Word Clouds in Education: Turn a toy into a tool

When it comes to finding the deeper meaning in a text passage, a word cloud is a simple application that you might have seen as a cute bit of fluff rather than a useful academic tool.  Most word cloud programs work in the same, straight-forward way; the more a word is used in the text, the bigger it is shown in the cloud.  A glance at a cloud is an easy way to preview a passage, or to analyze text.  So what does this mean for your courses?  
by Joseph Kern