Corporate eLearning

Corporate eLearning: News, trends and tips for the best practices in corporate training. Find out more in our eLearning database

February 16, 2018

How Asos Had Their Employees Want More Online Learning

ASOS recently launched a different approach to supporting people managers at performance review time. Rather than running ‘courses’, they provided digital ‘resources’ that provided support and answers to managers’ questions at the point of need—and it was hugely successful!
by David James
February 7, 2018

What Is eLearning Today?

eLearning today should directly affect individual productivity and organizational capability. If not, then you need to increase your expectations of what learning technology can do for your company.
by Ben Muzzell
February 5, 2018

eBook Release: Building Effective Customer Education Programs

If you are thinking of augmenting your existing customer training efforts, then guess what: Northpass already thought about it for you. This interesting eBook, Building Effective Customer Education Programs, will get you through the basics and help you master ways of not overwhelming your customers and at the same time succeeding at holding on to them and keep them happy.
by Christopher Pappas
February 2, 2018

4 Sure-Fire Rules For Effective Customer Service Training

Customer service training can realign a business for unprecedented growth in the marketplace. Customer service representatives that undergo regular training are able to provide superior customer care and support - be it in person, online via live chat software, or through a phone conversation.
by Usman Ghani
January 31, 2018

How STEM And eLearning Improve Cybersecurity In The US

The more we rely on technology, the more we realize what a danger that reliance poses. If the last couple of years have taught us anything about the digitization of our world, it’s that even though we’re opening doors and blazing trails in our brave, new, technological world, we’re simultaneously courting danger, and are more at risk in that world than we’ve ever been.
by Andrew Heikkila