6 Tips To Hire The Ideal Translators For Global Online Training

6 Tips To Hire The Ideal Translators For Global Online Training
Summary: Choosing the best people for your team is crucial for online training globalization success. In this article, I’ll share 6 insider secrets to hire the ideal eLearning translator for your global online training program.

How To Hire The Ideal Translators For Global Online Training

Finding the best translators for global online training courses can be daunting. Translation of global online training courses needs to be done with minimal distortion to enhance shared meaning. Otherwise, the key takeaways and the organizational message may get lost in the shuffle. The translators for global online training you hire should understand the culture in depth to avoid offenses and create an all-inclusive online training course. They should also understand which examples and case studies will augur well with people of a particular culture. Getting the best translators for global online training is tantamount to successful online training. Today, we share 6 tips that will help you hire the best translators for global online training.

eBook Release: How To Create Online Training Experiences For A Worldwide Audience
eBook Release
How To Create Online Training Experiences For A Worldwide Audience
A summary of all you need to know in order to develop online training content for a global audience.

1. Establish The Translator’s Qualifications

The credentials that a translator for global online training possesses determine the quality of work that they will deliver for you. Whether you are hiring a company or an individual, you should keep in mind that skills vary greatly. Ensure that the translator you hire has talents that are the best fit for your job. It is important to note that simply because someone is bilingual, doesn’t mean that they will do an excellent job. A person may speak two or three languages and still not understand the language complexities and disparities of a culture. The best translators for global online training are typically native speakers of the language that content is being translated to. Native speakers are able to transfer meaning with minimal alterations. On top of this, the level of education, years of experience, and areas of specialization are major considerations.

2. Conduct A Proper Professional Background Check

Establishing the credentials that an individual or company possesses is not enough. Some translators might claim they have a vast amount of experience in the field. But they must have references and examples to back it up. Thorough background checks will help you choose an eLearning translation service provider that is up to the task. If an individual says that they went to a certain institution for specialized training, can they verify that? How many people have they worked for? What are the levels of customer satisfaction for these people? Is customer feedback on their work positive or negative? How many referrals do they receive monthly? All these questions are important, and a background check can help you answer them. Customer satisfaction, positive feedback, and referrals from customers help you gauge how satisfactory a potential translator’s work is.

3. Discuss Professional Fees And Pricing Structure

Pricing structures in the translation industry vary. You should consider which payment options will work best for you before hiring. Most companies charge their rates per word, but some charge hourly or depending on the length of the online training course. For example, when translating an English course to Spanish, per word rate will cost you more than an hourly rate. Naturally, English to Spanish translation results to more Spanish words.

Saving costs, however, isn’t as important in the translation process. What matters is getting value for your money. You should ask yourself if low prices mean low quality work before hiring. In translation, pricing depends more on the process and skills than the amount of time and work done. When getting quotes from potential translators for global online training, ensure that the costs are all inclusive to avoid conflict later. The price quote should be inclusive of the editing and review process. Also, be sure to get everything in writing to avoid confusion down the line. Include payment milestones, fee structures, and any other pertinent details. Then have both parties sign the agreement.

4. Compare The Level Of Support Offered By Various Candidates

Do your potential translators for global online training offer support services? How fast can they respond to sensitive issues that might come up during the translation process? Support services are essential for successful translation. When translating your global online training course, you will be working with a team of individuals to get the best outcome. If some changes are necessitated by part of your team, will the translator make them quickly? A translator who offers support services guarantees you the best value for your money.

5. Check If The Company Has A Quality Control Process

Quality control is subjective, so you need to work with the company to come up with methods that work best for you. For instance, how translators are evaluated and selected by the company should be based on your preferences. Before hiring, check if an editor will check your translated online training course word for word or just spot-check. Also, if there are glaring errors, how will the company handle the issue?

6. Ask For Recommendations

Countless organizations use translators for global online training on a regular basis to localize online training content. Likewise, eLearning professionals work with translation service providers to meet the needs of their audience on a smaller scale. Thus, you can ask for recommendations online, such as in social media groups or online discussions. Let members know that you’re looking for a translator to globalize your online training course. Explain what qualifications you require and your overall objectives so that they can provide targeted recommendations. They can also tell you which contractors or companies to avoid based on their past experience.

Getting good translators for global online training does not have to be an uphill task. If you follow these 6 tips, you are more likely to get value for your money. Remember to check the association that a potential translator is aligned with. For localized online training content, ensure that a translator is aligned with Globalization and Localization Association (GALA). In addition, don’t forget to look for online reviews and ratings when narrowing down your list of candidates. Past clients can offer valuable insight into their work practices and service.

Are you ready to expand your online training program on a global scale? Download our free eBook Going Global: How To Create Online Training Experiences For A Worldwide Audience for tips on how to globalize your online training and choose the best LMS for the task. We will also provide a step-by-step walkthrough of the globalization process and explore the most common risks you should avoid.

Originally published on March 8, 2018