Corporate eLearning

Corporate eLearning: News, trends and tips for the best practices in corporate training. Find out more in our eLearning database

January 24, 2018

The AI-Driven Digital Transformation Of Learning And Development

In 1950 Ray Bradbury published the short story There Will Come Soft Rains, itself based on a 1920 poem about human extinction due to an apocalypse. Bradbury’s story features an entirely intelligent computer-controlled house which continues to prepare food, clean itself, and even issue a fire alarm even though its former human inhabitants are no longer there.
by Steve Lowenthal
January 24, 2018

4 Tips For Training Content Localization Using Personalized Mobile Devices

When it comes to localization of training content, the first thing that comes to our mind is the translation of content into the desired language of a learner. This leads to better training outcomes with efficient delivery of courses in the best possible way. With technological advancement and development of mobile learning strategies, localization has significantly developed.
by Anubha Goel
January 22, 2018

How Data Transforms Learning And Development, Part 2: Google Analytics

Your learning platform likely gives you insights into which courses are being engaged with most and other metrics such as course completions, but there’s a whole host of information you’re probably missing out on if you stop there. There are dozens, if not hundreds of analytical tools you can embed into your platform. And while we don’t recommend embedding every single one, adding a tool like Google Analytics tracking will let you see how learners are really using your site and could be a real game-changer for your learning delivery. Here are 9 Google Analytics insights that will help you maximize your team’s work.
by Steve Lowenthal
January 20, 2018 | Sponsored

6 Ways To Create Pull Learning Content

Recent learning trend reports tell of a move from push models of learning to a pull model. But what does that actually mean? And what do you need to do to make sure your learning pulls people in and even achieves that elusive 'viral' quality?
by Steve Lowenthal