Educational Technology

All you need to know about the wide field of Educational Technology from the authors of eLearning Industry. Tell us your opinion by submitting your article now!

March 6, 2016

Why Digital Literacy Is Critical In eLearning

Digital literacy has become part of our lives. We easily navigate on the web, searching for articles and videos, and sharing information with our friends. These tasks seem easy, however they are not that easy for everyone. There are still many people for whom the web is a confusing, dark space. Digital skills should be part of education to ensure that every student, independent from age and background, can equally participate and benefit from the infinite knowledge of the web.
by Christiaan Henny
March 5, 2016

ePub For Education: Meet EDUPUB

It was a lovely sunny day when I finished my product backlog grooming and was heading towards planning a new agile sprint around optimizing the readability of an ePub book that my product produces. Suddenly my boss asked me “Hey! Mr. Product Manager, do you know what an EDUPUB profile is? We have a meeting around EDUPUB with a prospective client today evening”. Guess what; I only ended saying that EDUPUB is a new ePub profile. The question in itself is very haunting, especially when your stint is in education domain. I spent the whole night discovering the profile. Covering the complete profile is beyond the scope of this article, so I’ll just focus on some glimpses of EDUPUB profile.
by Akhil Mittal