Mobile Learning

Mobile Learning (mlearning) is a revolution in e-Learning. Learn everything about the trends, the advantages and many more from our top eLearning authors.

December 7, 2016

3 Apps That Will Rev Up Your Team

The importance of teams in the 21st century workplace is vital. Effective teams enhance efficiency through their ability to provide more input and more potential solutions to problems as they arise. Here are a few apps that will rev up your team.
by Roz Bahrami
November 18, 2016

Responsive eLearning Design And Why It’s Important

Well-designed online courses are able to adapt seamlessly across devices (e.g. between PC and smartphone). This is what's called responsive eLearning design. Developing a responsive eLearning course is a conscious choice by education designers to cater for learners moving between devices.
by Sarah Bock
September 9, 2016

Top 3 Myths About BYOD In The Classroom

BYOD has gained some momentum in today's education system. More and more educational staff seriously consider the adoption of BYOD in their instruction. So let's place the next 3 myths about BYOD in the classroom right next to dragons, flying horses, and the treasure at the end of the rainbow.
by Livia Mihai