Animations In eLearning

Anything you need to know about Animations In eLearning, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide. The biggest and most thorough collection of articles about Animations In eLearning.

December 26, 2016

4 Best Practices To Use Animation For Training

There’s no denying that motion graphic videos and animations are an attractive tool for Instructional Designers to use in both online and instructor-led training. They’re an increasingly popular go-to for improving engagement or motivating learners. But is using animation for training always the best option?
by Blake Beus
June 13, 2016

6 Tips To Use Animations In eLearning

Animations may bring out our inner child, but they also have the power to improve knowledge retention, engage online learners, and simplify complex concepts. In this article, I'll talk about why you should use animation in your eLearning experiences and share 6 tips for using them in eLearning courses.
by Christopher Pappas