Spotlight: Coronavirus Lockdown

In “Spotlight: Coronavirus Lockdown,” we discuss the pandemic that caused a global lockdown unlike anything the world has ever seen. How will this impact our ways of living, working, and learning? What do eLearning L&D professionals have at their disposal to deal with this crisis? Follow our series of special articles as we put COVID-19 under the spotlight.

This series of articles will be a collaboration among thought leaders of many different backgrounds from all over the world. However, we are always happy to host the stories of all members of our esteemed eLearning community. Please consider sharing your personal experiences and opinions about the situation with us by submitting your own article.

August 1, 2020

Flipped Classroom 101

With every challenge comes an opportunity. During the COVID-19 lockdown, the entire education industry had to face a shakedown. Now, more than 1.6 billion students are looking for alternate solutions as schools shut down.
by Mohsin Siddiqui
June 3, 2020

Learning As Survival Strategy After COVID-19

A pandemic like COVID-19 causes shock and awe, sometimes forcing us to make urgent decisions that may not be right in the long term. Right now, for some organizations, learning may not be top of the agenda, but it could well be the survival strategy as we prepare for the long haul to recovery.
by Amit Garg