Corporate eLearning Best Practices

All you need to know about Corporate eLearning Best Practices. Information, benefits, useful tips, technologies and valuable resources from eLearning Industry, featuring by eLearning professionals with the higher-level instructional design qualifications.

August 5, 2014

Best Practices in Learning and Development

Studies in the US have shown that organizations that adopt eLearning experience cost savings of around 21% and also save learners’ study time. At the same time there is increased effectiveness and productivity – they see a 32% increase in the time between training and that training being implemented on-the-job. Unfortunately however between 50% and 80% of all L&D activities are what’s referred to as “scrap learning” because the lessons from that learning are never actually applied on-the-job. That amounts to a substantial waste of Learning and Development budget! So how does an organization provide L&D but do it well?
by Roberta Gogos
July 21, 2014

5 Tips for Designing E-learning for Adults with Low Education Levels

When designing e-learning for adult learner populations with low education levels, it’s essential to consider all the instructional design and multimedia elements, and how they work together to support this unique audience’s learning. Here we have compiled five tips from a recent project to help you create effective e-learning courses for ESL and similar learners.
by Catherine Davis
July 16, 2014

What Type Of Video Should I Put In My eLearning?

The type of video you choose should match the learning objectives. For instance if the learning objective is, demonstrate asking open ended questions with customers ("How can I help you today?" as opposed to "Can I help you?"), a behavioral modeling video with questions asking the learner to choose a path is ideal.
by Chris Karel
July 14, 2014

Free Content Readiness Assessment Tool for Corporate E-Learning

Before you begin your corporate e-learning course, it’s essential to first stop and ask, “How ready is my content?” The state of your content, or your “content readiness,” impacts your project plan, resource needs, and, yes, your project budget. And unstable content can create a ripple effect that could cost you additional dollars for changes later in the project. Not to worry, though—we’ve got you covered with a free, downloadable Content Readiness Assessment Tool, along with these great tips from solution architect Erin Krebs and instructional design practice lead Catherine Davis.
by Erin Krebs
July 11, 2014

Flow-control in eLearning. From here to where?

A critical piece in efficiency of an eLearning lesson or an eLearning course is the flow control. Do you let your learners choose their own path to learning - potentially missing out on key information in the process? Or do you dictate the steps- sacrificing flexibility for the visibility of the learning path?
by Garima Gupta
July 10, 2014

How To Dramatically Reduce Corporate Training Costs

In this article I'll discuss how transitioning from face-to-face corporate training to online corporate training can help you to dramatically reduce corporate training costs and even share some tips to help you get the most out of your eLearning investment. In addition, if you are still skeptical about converting your face-to-face corporate training into eLearning, I will give you some examples of big brands that made the big transition and got positive results in many respects.
by Christopher Pappas
July 6, 2014

Why Microlearning Is HUGE And How To Be A Part Of It

Microlearning is a way of teaching and delivering content to learners in small, very specific bursts. The learners are in control of what and when they’re learning. Why has Microlearning has blown up recently? (Pardon the pun) To answer this question, you have to take a look at who comprises a majority of learners. By 2025, Millennials alone will make up that 75 percent of the workforce. The average attention span of the Millennial generation is 90 seconds.
by John Eades
July 6, 2014

Top 9 Online Corporate Training Mistakes You Should Avoid

Every online corporate training project comes with its own unique set of obstacles such as a tight deadline or the difficulty of organizing an abundance of training materials. These issues can make an online corporate training project challenging even for the most experienced instructional designers. No matter the challenges, there are a number of online corporate training mistakes that many projects have in common. So, before developing your next online corporate training course, have a look at this list of the top 9 online corporate training mistakes that you should avoid.
by Christopher Pappas
July 3, 2014

Completion vs Competition: Which is better for Enterprise Gamification?

I recently overheard an interesting conversation between two friends that are triathletes. One of them was very excited about an upcoming race: he’s in better shape than last year, he said, he’s hoping to get to one of the top three results for his age bracket. The other friend, who has just begun training a year ago, on doctor’s orders (he was in bad shape before that) said “I’m into completion. Not competition”.
by Gal Rimon