Corporate eLearning Solutions

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November 23, 2014

Elearning For Learning, Performance Support For Performance

While the goal of elearning and training interventions is to achieve learning, it is performance support that can help achieve performance (employee and organizational). Almost every organization applies elearning or other training interventions to achieve training goals. Why do we not see many organizations apply performance support to achieve performance? What is the show-stopper?
by Isha G
September 25, 2014

Key Tips for Working with Short Attention Spans

YouTube videos are usually about 3-4 minutes. An average phone call is less than 2 minutes, according to Statista . It makes sense—people have short attention spans. Research firm Basex says that unnecessary workplace interruptions take 28% of US workers’ days and $650 billion a year in productivity. So, how do you design effective e-Learning courses when your learners are easily distracted?
by Christie Wroten
September 17, 2014

What You Should Know About Software Training

In this article, I will present the basics of software training. To illustrate, I will walk you through different stages of software training development and most importantly I will discuss how knowledge is effectively transferred during these stages.  
by Sukumari P
September 16, 2014

eLearning Strategies: Creating Employee Development Training

In the competitive job-market today, organizations have to constantly strive to provide training and learning opportunities – not only to enhance their skills but also to provide opportunities for growth. The more an employee is ‘engaged’ in the workplace, the more he or she will be able to perform. Employee development trainings are important in the corporate scenario to help employees perform and extract the best out of their work environment.
by Heena Nanda
August 28, 2014

How and Why: Motivating Adult Learners

“I’m too old to be doing that.” “Technology is for those young college kids.” “I’m not in school anymore, so why do I need to take that online course?” Sound familiar? Adult learners can be reluctant to get started with e-Learning, but that doesn’t mean you can’t engage them. You just need a few tricks up your sleeve!
by Stephanie Ivec
August 27, 2014

Mobile Learning meets E-Memory

Studies suggest that access to the limitless information on the internet has changed the way our memories work. Researcher Robert Clowes argues that we now have two memory systems: an old system – our brains – and a newer system he calls E-Memory. If E-Memory is indeed the direction in which our memories are evolving, Mobile Learning is critical to effective talent development!
by Stephen Meyer