eLearning Assessment

How does eLearning Assessment affects in eLearning course effectiveness? Explore tips, benefits, ways to improve your eLearning course, leading questions that have the power to motivate your online learners, all presented by the best eLearning professional authors.

December 5, 2015

Leading Questions In eLearning: What eLearning Professionals Should Know

Looking for ways to encourage your learners to think outside the box and tackle challenges from a whole new angle? Leading questions have the power to guide your learners’ thought processes so that they can draw their own conclusions. In this article, I’ll highlight 4 different types of leading questions and I’ll give you 5 tips on how to use leading questions in your next eLearning course.
by Christopher Pappas
November 12, 2015

Fill In The Blank Questions In eLearning: What eLearning Professionals Should Know

Fill in the blank questions often serve as litmus test for learner comprehension. There is minimal room for guessing and no predetermined set of answers, which makes them the ideal tool for testing knowledge absorption and retention. In this article, I’ll highlight 4 best practices on how to write effective Fill in the Blank questions, and I’ll share 5 tips on how you can use them in your eLearning course.
by Christopher Pappas
September 16, 2015

6 Ways To Give Constructive Feedback In eLearning

It is our job to help our audiences through their learning experiences, and lack of feedback is one of the most effective ways to sabotage this process. In this article, I'll share 6 ways to give constructive feedback in eLearning in order to ensure that your learners get the attention they deserve.
by Christopher Pappas
August 19, 2015

Short Answer Questions In eLearning: What eLearning Professionals Should Know

Short answers offer the best of both worlds. They are relatively easy to grade, like multiple choice questions, but do not leave any room for guessing. On the other hand, learners must be able to put the information into their own words, like an essay question, but are not required to supply a lengthy explanation if they lack sufficient reading and comprehension skills. In this article, I’ll share 4 best practices on how you can incorporate this versatile assessment tool into your eLearning course, as well as 4 tips that can help you use short answer questions in eLearning.
by Christopher Pappas
August 15, 2015

Probing Questions In eLearning: What eLearning Professionals Should Know

Probing questions are often used in marketing focus groups and business meetings to gather data, but they can also be invaluable tools in eLearning environments. Not only do probing questions offer you the chance to get feedback from your learners and assess their knowledge, but they give learners the power to further explore their thoughts and opinions about the subject matter. In this article, I’ll discuss the various types of probing questions and how you can use them in your next eLearning course.
by Christopher Pappas
August 12, 2015

Closed-Ended Questions In eLearning: What eLearning Professionals Should Know

Josef Albers, one of the most influential artistic educators of the 20th century, once said that “Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers". Open-ended questions may ignite the creative spark and offer insight into a learner's thought process, but closed-ended questions offer a direct and effective way to test their comprehension. In this article, I’ll present different types of closed-ended questions and I'll shed light on how you can use closed-ended questions in eLearning by sharing 6 invaluable tips.
by Christopher Pappas
August 7, 2015

Open-Ended Questions In eLearning: What eLearning Professionals Should Know

Open-ended questions prompt learners to explore their thoughts, feelings, and opinions while testing their comprehension. They don’t have the limitations of closed-ended questions and encourage learners to delve deeper into a topic by using their critical thinking skills and creativity. In this article, I’ll explain the difference between open-ended questions and open-ended statements, and I’ll share 6 tips on how to use open-ended questions in eLearning.
by Christopher Pappas