eLearning Best Practices

Looking for eLearning Best Practices? Need to know how to develop effective, meaningful and successful eLearning courses? Find out at eLearning Industry, share our resources and submit your article!

October 18, 2017

8 Tips How To Develop World Class eLearning

While picking the right eLearning platform is important, more important is your ability to develop a balanced eLearning experience for learners that combines the right technology with pedagogical best practice. Here are my top tips on how to develop a world class eLearning experience.
by Robert Farrell
September 10, 2017

6 Ways Of Capturing eLearning Feedback

Several years ago, I attended a Creative Writing course at a local community college. On day-1, the instructor handed out a stack of documents –the Day’s Outline– and asked us to quickly review them to understand what we were about to learn. What happened next is a classic case of miscommunication and misunderstanding – something that eLearning course creators should learn from and avoid!
by Marina Arshavskiy
August 11, 2017

The 3 Ways To Enrich Blended Learning

Blended learning is a new approach to education that involves a mixture of technology and in-class learning. By following the 3 major keys to enrich blended learning, students and teachers will be able to effectively utilize this novel educational system to its greatest potential.
by Tom Maloney