eLearning Development Best Practices

Anything you need to know about eLearning Development Best Practices, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide. The biggest and most thorough collection of eLearning Development Best Practices, for eLearning professionals who need to create high-quality eLearning courses.

November 8, 2015

6 Tips To Apply The Goldilocks Principle In eLearning

eLearning courses that are too difficult may frustrate and overwhelm learners, while those that are too easy often lead to boredom? So, how do you strike the perfect balance and achieve the ideal level of challenge? In this article, I’ll explore 6 tips for applying the Goldilocks Principle in eLearning.
by Christopher Pappas
November 8, 2015

6 Simple Tricks To Make Your eLearning Course Stand Out

eLearning is a dramatically expanding industry and way too many eLearning courses are pumping into the market every day. But many of the eLearning courses are poorly made. A good eLearning course is all about providing a good user experience and the right content. Here are 6 easy ways to make your eLearning course stand out and create a rockstar learning experience.
by Utkarsh Talwar
October 13, 2015

How To Convert Legacy Courses Into HTML5 The Right Way

You have decided to adopt mLearning (or mobile learning) and are ready to move your legacy courses to HTML5. Obviously, this involves a significant budget and you want to be certain that you have chosen the most efficient approach to convert your legacy courses into HTML5. In this article, I will share some case studies to outline how you can manage this migration into HTML5 the right way.
by Asha Pandey
September 28, 2015

6 Facts About Rapid eLearning Development That Will Impress Your Boss

In today’s world, time is at premium and Learning and Development professionals have to balance the quality of eLearning courses within shorter time spans to go-live and within budgets that are shrinking every year. All of these factors have led to increased use of rapid eLearning development as a necessity vis-a-vis traditional eLearning. In this article, I will outline what rapid eLearning is, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. I will then share cues on where it would be a good fit and some tips and best practices that will help you increase the success of these initiatives.
by Asha Pandey
September 25, 2015

Ubiquitous Learning: What Every Education Organization Needs To Know

While a variety of platforms have been developed and tested in the eLearning space -blended learning, flipped classrooms, gamified learning, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), and more- the perspective of ubiquitous learning has rarely been applied in a concrete way to real online/computer-based educational efforts. This article presents a broad view of ubiquitous learning in the Professional Education context and some quick ways for education organizations to begin building ubiquitous learning efforts.
by Ashish Rangnekar