eLearning Development Best Practices

Anything you need to know about eLearning Development Best Practices, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide. The biggest and most thorough collection of eLearning Development Best Practices, for eLearning professionals who need to create high-quality eLearning courses.

February 17, 2016

How Health Behavior Theory Can Inform Instructional Design

Smoking, unhealthy eating, and excess drinking all represent risks to our long term health, yet they are commonplace in today’s society. These are just a few examples of common behaviors that are counterproductive to individuals’ long term health. Given this paradox, researchers have developed theories to attempt to explain these behaviors and how best to change them. One of these is the Health Behavior Theory (HBT).
by Adam Gavarkovs
February 13, 2016

How Better Learning Content Management Makes A Good Business Sense: An Insight

While the benefits of effective workplace learning are many, the deficiencies that the organization faces as a result of poor learning efforts has a direct impact on business objectives as well and one of the prime reasons behind it is lack of learning content management. To build the case for eLearning and, hence, technology-aided platforms of learning, the fallacies of poor learning content management have to be clearly understood as well.
by Heena Nanda
February 8, 2016

7 Tips To Fact Checking eLearning Courses: A Practical Guide For eLearning Professionals

As the famous American writer and satirist, Mark Twain, once said: “Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please”. Giving your eLearning audience information that is supported by concrete evidence is part of the eLearning professional's job description. In this article, I'll share 7 tips for fact checking your eLearning courses, so that you can rest assured you’re offering your online learners true and up-to-date subject matter.
by Rory Cameron
February 4, 2016

3 Things Google Can Teach Us About Microlearning

Recently my 10-year-old was working on a school project about state capitals, and he began asking questions about Montgomery, the capital of the state where he was born. But we haven’t lived in Alabama for almost a decade, so I couldn’t come up with much more than it being home to the minor league baseball team with the best nickname in all of sports (Go Biscuits!). In the time it took me to fondly reminisce about the yellow baseball hats, my 14-year-old found a wealth of information about Montgomery history and current events. She was, of course, holding her phone, having just completed a Google search for Montgomery, Alabama, and it occurred to me that she had just gone through a microlearning experience.
by Keith Gibson
February 3, 2016

5 Tips To Create Your First eCourse Like A Pro

Developing an eCourse on any topic or in any subject field requires many of the same things as developing a regular course; it is only the delivery that changes. Keep that in mind as your look at the following 5 tips for creating your eCourse like a pro.
by Julie Ellis
February 1, 2016

Gameplay Programming Best Practices

Gameplay programming has become so complex that we can’t allow spending the time for reinventing the wheel anymore. This article aims to help you organize your workflow efficiently as it do outstanding companies in the game industry.
by Mykola Chornyi
January 30, 2016

7 Best Practices For eLearning Course Navigation

As a learner navigating through an eLearning module, did you ever get stuck on a particular slide because you were not sure about what to do next? If yes, then you have probably been a victim of an eLearning course navigational structure, which has not been designed properly.
by Anand Timothy
January 29, 2016

6 eLearning Best Practices

With the advent of eLearning the face of education as we know it has completely changed. Faster access to material, more sophisticated types of learning, and hands-on education are some of the advantages of eLearning. But behind each course, is a set of best practices that when followed leads to successful and engaging eLearning content. Let us take a look at 6 eLearning best practices.
by Shweta Iyer
January 19, 2016

eBook Release: Digital Learning Manager’s Handbook - New Ideas And Examples

Do you go to bed worrying about the quality of your digital learning? Are you under pressure from directors to deliver more learning in less time? As an ambitious Digital Learning Manager or someone new to Digital Learning Management, you would have wished for a job aid that would offer you personal experiences from the world’s top digital learning managers or difficulties and ways to overcome them.
by Christopher Pappas