eLearning Marketing

Learn how eLearning Marketing can affect your eLearning design and development. Read all the latest articles about eLearning Marketing from our top eLearning authors. Share our valuable resources or submit your article!

September 3, 2015

6 Tips To Price Your eLearning Courses

Content development, target audience research, and marketing are usually regarded as the most important elements of developing a successful eLearning course. Figuring out the perfect price point of the eLearning course belongs at the top of the list. In this article, I’ll go over 6 top tips on how to price your eLearning courses to sell.
by Christopher Pappas
July 9, 2015

How You Are Selling Your eLearning Content Short By Calling It "Marketing"

In this article I will explore the explosion of for-profit eLearning courses on-line right now. There is no question that this market is booming, but course content is being generated as eLearning marketing materials instead of eLearning content. No one doubts that this market has huge potential, but many opportunities for learning are being squandered by a lack of coordination between Instructional Designers and course authors. This article unpacks why that coordination is not happening.
by Beth Wisch
May 29, 2015

6 Marketing Tips To Promote Your eLearning Courses

You’ve hired the right subject matter experts, worked tirelessly to design your eLearning course layout and have painstakingly perfected every multimedia element. Now, it’s time to spread the word about the high quality of your eLearning courses. In this article, I’ll share 6 marketing tips in order to help you successfully promote your eLearning courses and maximize your potential target audience.
by Christopher Pappas
February 28, 2015

6 Marketing Tips To Boost Your eLearning Course Sales

Wearing many hats is par for the course, when you are an eLearning professional. Not only should you be able to design eLearning courses that are engaging and enlightening, but you must also have the know-how to market and promote those eLearning courses to your target audience. In this article, I'll share some invaluable marketing tips to boost your eLearning course sales.
by Christopher Pappas
January 27, 2015

5 Marketing Tips To Apply In eLearning

This article features marketing ideas and principles that you can apply in your eLearning course design to increase learner engagement and excitement. If you're looking for ways to transform even the most dry and dull subject matter into something truly motivational and interactive, then you've come to the right place.
by Christopher Pappas
October 21, 2013

eLearning Still Needs To Be Sold Or Is That Bought?

What’s as ineffective as relationship selling? Relationship buying! It appeared the problem was solved. Two martini lunches and deals done on the golf course all but disappeared under the scrutiny of a more transparent, post Sarbanes-Oxley world. But eLearning providers are for-profit businesses and deals still must be sold. So have the eLearning sales professionals all become personality-less question & answer machines while the eLearning buyers have all adopted sophisticated, measured and validated purchasing processes? Well, not quite, let me provide some background.
by Greg Morton