eLearning eBooks

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April 18, 2017

eBook Release: Learning@Videos - Charting The Evolution, Success, And Growing Popularity Of Video-Based Learning

Most experts from the learning industry would agree that videos are a strong and impactful tool for learning. Videos can engage the learners and make lasting impressions on their mind. This is particularly useful in the area of corporate training, as the learners need to recall and apply the learning in their area of work. The eBook Learning@Videos traces the beginning of video-based learning and highlights its many benefits in the modern perspective of continual workplace training.
by Rahul Agarwal
March 30, 2017

Gamification In eLearning: Getting It Right

It is possible to use gamification in eLearning and still to stick to ineffective linear learning. If you've ever sat in a desk in a large classroom of desks listening to a dry lecture while daydreaming about being anywhere else, you know how ineffective linear learning can be.
by Sergey Snegirev