Microlearning Benefits

February 15, 2021 | Sponsored

An In-Depth Interview On How Learning Leaders Use MicroLearning Everyday

Inno-Versity has not only done serious research into the learning science behind the effectiveness of microlearning, but it has also helped map, create, deliver, and market microlearning assets to corporations, nonprofits and higher education around the globe. The following interviews were conducted with some of the deep thinkers and practical experts at Inno-Versity who are engaged with microlearning daily.
by Gerald L. Zandstra PhD
February 9, 2021 | Sponsored

Retail Training: How A Retail Giant Put Microlearning Into Practice

A global retail company was looking for a partner to help increase participation and implementation of their new team operational principles: creating project charters, meeting principles, continuous improvement tools, and more. They had materials that were too abstract and didn’t convey the right information. This is the story of how MicroLearning solved their participation and implementation needs.
by Gerald L. Zandstra PhD
February 1, 2021 | Sponsored

How A Global Manufacturing Company Has Made MicroLearning The Core Of Its Learning Program

The purchasing division of a global manufacturing company was frustrated. They’d spent time and budget creating eLearning to help their acquisitions department learn and apply an entirely new purchasing process. But early indicators showed poor buy-in and a low level of application. They determined that the processes’ complexity and lack of extension materials ensured that their learners didn’t understand the process and couldn’t easily access materials when they needed a just-in-time refresher. MicroLearning was the solution they needed.
by Gerald L. Zandstra PhD
January 28, 2021 | Sponsored

eBook Release: How To Bring Microlearning Theory To Practice

Microlearning is one of the most current trends in the corporate world. To be fair, it makes sense why it has become so popular—it is a highly engaging, efficient solution that motivates corporate learners. However, in this article, you will discover what L&D professionals need to take into consideration before making the big move to implement microlearning.
by Christopher Pappas
January 26, 2021 | Sponsored

4 Reasons To Opt For A Microlearning LXP When Onboarding Virtual Teams

A Learning Experience Platform (LXP) handles employees' online learning experiences and can create learning opportunities that motivate employees to engage in the company's learning culture. An LXP, such as microlearning LXP, is suitable for onboarding virtual teams and virtual learning environments built to accommodate employee promotions, collaboration, and choice within a company.
by Magdalena Barbu