Online Training Courses

Anything you need to know about Online Training Courses, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide. The biggest and most thorough collection of corporate eLearning articles for Online Training Courses. Click to read our articles, submit yours or share our valuable resources!

October 29, 2015

Imparting Product Training Online: 5 Useful Media

A major factor that contributes to the success of a modern organization is the effective “synchronization” of its product training programs with the launch of its new products. As product life cycles get shorter and the time-to-market reduces considerably, a time lag between product releases and training could prove disastrous. In this article I will share 5 media which can be used to deliver highly effective product training online.
by Pushpa Siddhanti
May 25, 2015

How To Create Memorable Online Training Courses: 6 Tips For eLearning Professionals

You want to bring the best out of your audience by offering them an excellent online training experience. You have carefully developed your online training course and it is important for you that your content will be retained. But how can employees remember everything they learn? In this article I will share 6 top tips on how to create a memorable online training course that will help employees fully understand and deeply absorb everything you have to offer them.
by Christopher Pappas
April 28, 2015

6 Tips For Creating Engaging Synchronous Online Training Courses

Synchronous online training gives employees the chance to receive immediate feedback and feel as though they are active participants in the online training process. In this article, I’ll share some tips that can help eLearning professionals develop truly engaging and informative synchronous online training deliverables for corporate learners.
by Christopher Pappas
April 15, 2015

6 Tips For Creating Engaging Asynchronous Online Training Courses

One of the pitfalls of asynchronous online training is that employees may not find the motivation or interactivity they need to become fully engaged in the online training process. There are, however, a number of ways that you can receive all of the benefits of asynchronous online training without having to deal with any of the common drawbacks. In this article, I’ll show you how to create engaging asynchronous online training courses.
by Christopher Pappas
March 25, 2015

9 Free MOOCs For Corporate Training

There may be a myriad of MOOCs, but finding Massive Open Online Courses for corporate training can prove to be quite challenging. If you’ve been looking for suitable MOOCs for corporate training, but haven’t had any luck so far, this article highlights MOOCs that are ideal for corporate audiences.
by Christopher Pappas
March 7, 2015

Top 5 Benefits Of Learner-Centered Online Training

An eLearning course that caters to all learning needs and offers a personalized educational experience may seem like the Holy Grail of corporate online training. However, it is within reach. How? In this article I'll highlight the many benefits that a learner-centered approach can bring to your online training courses.
by Christopher Pappas
November 30, 2014

How To Choose Online Training Courses That Work

An eLearning experience within an organization is made up of several components that in collusion make or break the learning experience. An important component of this experience is the online training course itself. For an organization that depends on customized online training courses or off-the-shelf/catalog online courses for training, successful training depends on the popularity of the online training courses. Here’s how to go about choosing online training courses that work for your employees.
by Heera Edwin
March 27, 2014

4 Ways to Personalize Your Online Training

Online training has a bad—and incorrect—reputation for being impersonal, boring and lifeless. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Good online training can be personal and engaging. And it’s also full of life—in a recent survey, 72% of companies included said that e-Learning keeps them up-to-date with changes in their industry, which helps them remain competitive within their niche.
by Christie Wroten