Professional Development

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January 12, 2017

Thinking In Teams: A Vital Survival Skill For Modern Life

If you google “the most important survival skills in modern life” you will come up with everything from searching the internet, connecting to a Wi-Fi, understanding the privacy settings on your smartphone, using self-serve checkouts, learning to cook, updating and installing computer programs, using social media, and forty other similar skills. What does not appear is the most important survival skill of all: Thinking. Let us talk about thinking and thinking and thinking in teams.
by Alex Terego
December 12, 2016

Know Your Staff: Skills Management In eFrontPro

People are a business' greatest asset, we know. Going deeper into the statement, your people's skills are their assets. So, you have a vested interest in knowing as much as you can about them. This is at the core of this article: How to optimize your Talent Development based on your staff's skills.
by Nikos Andriotis
November 10, 2016

Using eLearning To Promote New Literacy

One form of “literacy” just isn’t enough anymore! From just reading and writing to coding, from healthcare to financial; each form of new literacy has proponents saying you simply can’t succeed in the modern world without it. eLearning may be the only way to keep up and stay literate.
by Edgar Wilson
November 5, 2016

5 Computer Skills Everyone Should Master

In the modern world, having the right computer skills will definitely give you an edge. Apart from being more efficient at different tasks, having the right digital skills will open your mind up to more possibilities.
by Adam Fort
October 26, 2016

4 eLearning Courses To Boost Your Career Options

"Sharpening the saw" is vital in a competitive jobs marketplace. To stay relevant and for your employer to have trouble letting go of you, seek to continuously learn. This article lists several courses and MOOC platforms to consider should you decide to boost your career options.
by Maricel Rivera