6 Tips To Monitor Employee Performance In Your ILT Course With A Compliance LMS

Compliance LMS To Monitor Employee Performance

Compliance LMS To Monitor Employee Performance

Compliance Training LMS As A Successful Performance Indicator

The most challenging thing about compliance is that you often don’t realize there’s a problem until it’s too late. An employee makes a crucial mistake that compromises your brand reputation or leads to costly penalties. ILT usually relies on assessments to gauge their knowledge. But this doesn’t give you a clear indication of how well employees apply that knowledge to real-world situations. For this, you need a compliance LMS that can monitor progress, hold employees accountable, and identify performance pain points.

Here are 6 tips to blend your ILT course with compliance training software to track remote staff.

1. Use Analytics To Go Beyond Quantitative Assessment Scores

Multiple-choice and true/false exams give you a general idea of how well employees understand the compliance topic. But the insights stop there. You’re unable to see if they can use it in real-world situations or their level of comprehension. This is where analytics step in. ILT and LMS reports help you go beyond final assessment results to gauge the breadth of employee knowledge and skills. For example, completion times indicate how quickly they completed a course. If they raced through it and still received high marks on the exam, they’re probably in the know. Especially, if you pair that with serious game metrics that back up those analytical assumptions.

2. Monitor Real-World Applications With Custom Reports

It’s difficult to know if employees actually use their compliance training on the job. Short of putting them on the sales floor and watching them struggle with a task or letting them make a mistake that puts their lives in danger. In lieu of this "going in blind" approach, use custom reports to monitor real-world performance. These metrics allow you to track every move they make during simulations, scenarios, and other immersive activities, such as steps they miss or if they’re able to apply skills to overcome a challenge. Then, you can follow it up with personalized feedback to bridge gaps.

3. Measure Certification Progress And Proficiency

Certifications are ideal for your compliance ILT course because they cover niche topics or obstacles. One certification might focus on how to politely refuse a client bribe and follow COI policies. Another covers customer service skills your team needs to keep consumers happy and build your brand image. Certification LMS reports give you a detailed look at how employees perform in each of these categories and if there’s any room for improvement. You can see how proficient they are at handling angry customers or dealing with life-threatening situations in the warehouse. Plus, they get a certificate to show for it, which boosts their motivation and prompts them to tackle the next topic on their list.

4. Evaluate Completion Metrics To Maintain Company Standards

Completion rates tell you which employees completed the compliance course and how quickly. As such, you’re able to maintain company standards by following up with employees who fall behind or even offering them supplemental resources to remove the compliance roadblocks. For example, they haven’t completed the ILT course on health and safety standards because they don’t know the OSHA policies. An infographic or video demo can show them clean-up procedures and which safety gear to wear to fill in the gaps. Maybe they prefer visual training tools as opposed to instructor-led presentations. Or they might have a learning disability that is better suited for visual training aids.

5. Analyze Time And Access Logs To Spot Top Performers

Time logs and LMS access reports indicate how often employees log in to a system, as well as if they attend live events and their level of overall engagement. Staff members who give it their all and participate in training every day are invested in professional growth. They care about maintaining compliance and following company rules. These top performers are great peer-coaching candidates. But you can also invite them to host live events to spread their knowledge and enthusiasm for L&D. Time log also lets you know which employees need a nudge to improve their performance. For example, a sales supervisor hasn’t accessed the platform for a month and is about to let his certifications expire.

6. Track Informal And Social Learning Activities For A Performance Overview

Though it’s structured, your ILT course also has more impromptu training components. For example, employees might visit a training forum during an event to refresh their memory. Or check out the resources an instructor just uploaded to the social media group. LMS reporting gives you the tools to monitor these informal and social learning activities to get a holistic training performance overview. Your evaluation shouldn’t be based solely on how they fared on the final exam or on if they missed steps during a simulation. It’s also compromised of other key factors, such as providing peer-based support and feedback, live event attendance, and engagement with an instructor.


Compliance training may be mandatory. Your organization must uphold policies and enforce local regulations to avoid fines. But implementing a compliance LMS isn’t solely for company accountability. It helps you monitor employee performance, gauge their proficiency, and intervene quickly to prevent on-the-job injuries. You can even determine how employees handle real-world challenges without throwing them into the deep end, as well as monitor social and informal training activities that usually fall under the radar. Thus, it’s a worthwhile investment for any ILT program.

Choose the right compliance LMS for your ILT course to cut costs and track employee performance. Read reviews, compare your top 3 choices, and evaluate pricing options with the help of our online directory. It even features the top lists for the best UX, CX, and value for money.

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