Top List Of Talents To Focus On When Developing Leadership Skills Internally

Top List Of Talents To Focus On When Developing Leadership Skills Internally
Summary: Leaders must possess another tier of talents to get the job done. So, what are the ‘superpowers’ you should focus on when developing leadership skills internally?

8 Talents To Spot When Developing Leadership Skills Internally

Skills are a bit like collectible trading cards—I know what you’re probably thinking, just bear with me. There are common ones that virtually everyone has… at least to some degree. Like basic reasoning and communication abilities. Then some are part of the 'legendary' deck. Talents that team leaders need to get the most from their employees and uphold company policies. But how do you know which skills and traits to focus on in online training? There’s only so much room in your budget to create new resources, which means that you have to prioritize. Plus, you can’t just lock managers in a room for a week to master every talent in the book. Here’s a list of top talents you should concentrate on when developing leadership skills internally. Think of it as an L&D cheat sheet.

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Transform Top Talent Into Team Leaders
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1. Active Listening

Leaders must listen to their team’s concerns and complaints to keep your organization running smoothly. This skill also applies to customers/clients. As well as higher-ups who want to make changes and point out areas for improvement. Thus, your employee training participants need to hone their active listening skills not just to take in what’s said but use that information to improve work practices. People need to feel like they’re being heard and that their opinions or thoughts matter.

2. Problem-Solving

Managers face a litany of problems every day. From challenging customers who want to return an item or feel like they’ve been misunderstood. To co-workers who need help with certain tasks or compliance issues. Thus, your team leaders need to be the resident problem solvers within your organization. Which isn’t an easy feat, given that there are so many obstacles to overcome. Give them simulations and branching scenarios to build experiential knowledge and improve real-world performance.

3. Conflict Resolution

There are times when personalities simply clash, and leaders must intervene to deescalate the situation and maintain order. Thus, conflict resolution skills are a top priority in leadership development. Employees must remain calm and assess the situation from all angles. Then devise a solution that’s mutually agreeable and doesn’t create ill-will or resentment within the team dynamic. Share personal anecdotes, demo videos, and simulations that allow employee training participants to work through conflicts and learn from mistakes.

4. Teambuilding

Managers and supervisors are at the top of the team pyramid. Employees follow their example, listen to their advice, and rely on them to facilitate communication. They’re also in charge of boosting team morale and promoting collaboration. The leader should be the one to give under-performers a pep talk and praise those who excel in their field. Above all else, they need to know how to identify hidden talents in others and use them to achieve the goals.

5. Positivity

I’m not insinuating that leaders need to be 'cheer' leaders. That said, they should maintain a positive tone in the workplace because optimism is catchy. For example, the manager boosts an employee’s self-esteem by pointing out strengths. As well as discreetly recommend JIT resources to address personal areas for improvement. They should be the ones who employees turn to during their moment of need for guidance. Granted, leaders aren’t the sole source of support, but they are often the moral compass for co-workers.

6. Time Management

There’s a lot of work to do, and supervisors need to know how to manage their time effectively. As well as encourage their team to do the same and build habits of their own. For example, set aside time at the start of every workday to recap the to-do list and create a personal schedule. Time management skills and productivity are best friends. Especially for leaders who wear many hats. From paperwork filer and customer service expert to on-the-job mentor and team mediator.

7. Relationship Building

Think of your organization as a vast network of human resources. Everyone needs to get along and play nicely. Or at least be civil to one another so that minor arguments to erupt into full-scale fights. As a result, leadership development online training must include relationship building. Employee training participants need to learn how to bring out the best in others and facilitate meaningful interactions. For instance, help co-workers spot similarities in each other and work toward a common goal. Even if they’re from different backgrounds and have different beliefs.

8. Compassionate Talent Management

Every employee, without exception, has unique skills and abilities they contribute to your organization. Some are unaware of the talents they have, while others simply don’t want to utilize them. They may lack the necessary confidence or are content with the status quo. Why would they step up and take on additional tasks if they don’t have to? This is where compassionate talent management comes into play. Team leaders should have the wherewithal to bring out the best in co-workers. To help them use their skills and experience in the workplace to achieve the best outcome. For example, give that introverted employee a motivational boost so that they accept a higher job title. Or to emphasize the importance of teamwork so that less driven employees are more proactive and productive.

All leadership skills can be fostered to some extent. However, there are some employees with natural-born talents who need self-paced resources to avoid boredom and hone advanced abilities. While others may require supplemental support to bring themselves up to speed and bridge the gaps on their own. The trick is to strike a balance that benefits every member of the leadership team, regardless of their strengths and weaknesses.

Leadership online training benefits every member of your organization, from new hires to higher-ups. Download the eBook Transform Top Talent Into Team Leaders: The Ultimate Guide For Leadership Development Training and find out how to create outstanding leadership development training—along with the pitfalls you should avoid, and more.

Originally published on February 21, 2020