7 Tips To Develop Online Training Courses For Generation Z Workforce

7 Tips To Develop Online Training Courses For Generation Z Workforce

7 Tips To Develop Online Training Courses For Generation Z Workforce

How To Develop Online Training Courses For Your Generation Z Workforce

For Generation Z, workforce born after 1995, technology is a part of everyday life. When they want to learn more about a topic, brush up on skills, or explore a task, they simply plug in and let the information flow freely. In short, they’ve got tech experience, and they know how to use it. This younger generation is also knowledgeable on global, political, and social matters, which makes them goal-driven and realistic. So, how can you give your Generation Z workforce the tech-forward, pragmatic, and purpose-driven online training they require?

  1. Offer "on-demand" microlearning resources.
    Generation Z employees aren't necessarily known for their long attention spans. They are used to hopping online to get the knowledge they need at a moment's notice. As such, you must offer them mobile-friendly online training resources that they can access on-demand. Don't make them scour the web for the key takeaways or sit through a lengthy lecture if you want them to actively participate. Instead, embed YouTube videos into your microlearning online training course and provide them with a collection of serious games, simulations, and branching scenarios that keep them fully engaged. In other words, make it convenient for them to develop their skills and explore new tasks.
  2. Use social media to your advantage.
    Most Generation Z employees check their social media pages on a daily basis, if not hourly. They use these platforms to chat with friends, keep up with the latest news, and build their professional careers. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram are an important part of their lives. So, why not use that to your advantage by integrating them into the online training program. Post links to online articles and websites they may find beneficial, create groups and online forums where they can ask questions and solicit feedback. Make social media a cornerstone of your online training strategy so that they feel right at home.
  3. Incorporate their interests.
    The modern generation are self-starters who want to achieve success on their own terms. They know that some goals are going to be challenging, but they also know that they have the determination and perseverance that it takes to achieve the desired outcome. However, these individuals are more likely to pursue a goal if it's tied into their interests, hobbies, and passions. In other words, they will actively participate in the online training program if it's going to suit their needs and help them reach their personal goals. Capitalize on this by incorporating their interests into your online training course design. Do some audience research to find out what matters most to them, such as a cause that they're fighting for, and then work it into your online training strategy.
  4. Keep it real.
    As a general rule, Generation Z employees are realists. They aren't looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. Instead, these modern learners are aware of the fact that hard work and dedication paves the way to success. Thus, it's important to make your online training as realistic and relevant as possible. Include online training simulations and eLearning scenarios that emphasize real world applications. Develop serious games around case studies and true-to-life situations. Keep in mind that these individuals grew up in the age of gaming, making them virtual connoisseurs. As a result, you need to include top notch narrations, graphics, and storylines that immerse and engage them.
  5. Cultivate a supportive and transparent online training culture.
    Generation Z workforce expects honesty and transparency from the employer. Be clear about what is expected of them, how they will achieve the objectives, and how their progress will be measured. Gen Z staff members also respect their elders, which means that they may benefit from a mentorship online training program that pairs them with past generations. The trick is to cultivate an online training culture that gives them their independence, but also offers them the support they need to fill in the gaps when necessary.
  6. Encourage Gen Z employees to set their own goals.
    One of the downsides to hiring Generation Z employees is that they tend not to stay in one place for too long. This is particularly true when it comes to the workplace. They prefer to seek out new opportunities and experiences that can help them achieve their primary goals. While this means that they are productive and efficient employees, it also gives them a bit of professional wanderlust. You can help to improve employee retention rates by giving them control over the online training process. Encourage them to set their own goals and choose their personal path. Give them a general guideline of what they must accomplish, and then leave them literally to their own devices.
  7. Make it multiplatform-friendly.
    Generation Z emloyees have a variety of different devices on-hand, even though they usually have a personal favorite. For this very reason, it's essential to have a multi-platform online training course that they can access anywhere, anytime. Use a responsive design tool to develop a master online training course that adjusts to fit their screen size and resolution. You may even want to consider a downloadable version of the online training course that they can view offline, just in case they are out of Wi-Fi range. Survey your audience beforehand to see which devices they use the most, and then make that your target range. For example, if most of your online learners have newer smartphones and operating systems, you don't need to concern yourself with more antiquated devices and browsers.

Gen Z employees are perseverant, tech-savvy, multitaskers, who expect something unique and entertaining from their online training. Use these 7 tips to give your modern workforce the skills and knowledge they need to meet the demands of the 21st century.

Chances are, your staff is a generational melting pot. Read the article Millennials vs Baby Boomers: 4+4 Tips To Treat Different Age Groups In eLearning to discover how to treat different age groups such as Millenials or Baby Boomers so that you can create multigenerational eLearning courses.

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