6 Unconventional Content Marketing Techniques To Promote Your LMS

6 Unconventional Content Marketing Techniques To Promote Your LMS

6 Unconventional Content Marketing Techniques To Promote Your LMS

How To Promote Your LMS Using 6 Unconventional Content Marketing Techniques

To stimulate interest in your products, you have to dare to be different. These days, many organizations just copy what competitors are doing. After all, if it works for them, why won’t it work for you? Sadly, copying doesn’t give you room to stand out from the LMS crowd and establish yourself as a marketing trailblazer. Since you have invested a lot of money in content marketing, why shouldn’t you go the extra mile and market differently? It is essential to showcase your LMS using new angles that competitors haven’t explored. When you do so, you grab customers' attention, and you generate more leads. How then, can you do content marketing differently for your LMS?

1. Motivate People To Share Your Product

Remember the share of a Coke campaign by Coca-Cola? It worked like magic. People spread the word about the product to friends by having their names written on the bottle stickers. You too can build the online buzz by thinking out of the box. Come up with a way of getting people to tell their friends and contacts about your product in a way that no one else has. People gain instant confidence in the products that their friends recommend. Take advantage of social media and come up with captions and hashtags that inspire extensive sharing. When you give your audience a unique experience, they participate in it and share it with their friends. This kind of sharing will increase your LMS’ online visibility and expand your market reach. Another way to make your content marketing message shareworthy is by hosting a contest or giveaway. Followers earn entries by sharing the post on various platforms and leaving a comment. In exchange, they have a chance to win a free month of service or a valuable add-on/upgrade.

2. Avail Social Proof

Customers do not decide to buy your LMS product just by reading how good it is. They want a little evidence to back up your claims. Offering them that proof moves the buying process quickly and generates more leads. Including testimonials on your landing page is a great way to market your product. Everyone shares these testimonials on landing pages nowadays, though. It is still efficient, but it is a bit cliché. How can you share testimonials differently? Do not just include stories of customers who are happy with your LMS. Instead, transform them into stories of people who inspired your LMS company and those who encourage you to keep delivering a better LMS every time.

3. Hijack Trending Topics

Hijacking trending topics will help you expand your reach, as people are more likely to search for related keywords or phrases. Blend your content with trending topics and share it on social media. For instance, if there is a new movie that is trending, you can create a title of your message that creatively integrates the name of the movie. In doing so, you make your content relatable and reach a whole new audience. People like reading messages that they are familiar with on social media. Incorporating hot topics adds an element of familiarity and gets your message read and shared.

4. Encourage User-Generated Content

When a user expresses satisfaction with your product, encourage them to generate some content for your LMS. User-generated content for LMS, such as a video of its great features by a customer, is rare in the industry. Such material is not only credible and compelling, but it also saves your company time and marketing expenses. Content that is generated by users is trustworthy, and it compels readers/viewers to share it with their friends.

5. Counteract The (False) Critics

Unfortunately, the competitive nature of online marketing can lead to underhanded tactics. For example, some companies stoop to leaving fake negative reviews for their competitors. However, you can use unconventional content marketing techniques to manage your online reputation and save face. For example, establish a platform where you can address the concerns potential customers might have about your product. Plan how you will answer their questions honestly. Put in measures to give proof to them where possible. For instance, create a video demo of how your LMS works and dispel rumors that are circulating regarding your latest add-on or upgrade. Being transparent will make your LMS trustworthy and lead to a successful content marketing campaign.

6. Launch A Video Series

Many people think of YouTube as a vlogging platform. However, it’s also a great place to promote your LMS and build a loyal following. Post a new video every week/bi-weekly that features a unique selling point or tips on how to use your platform. Prospects appreciate the fact that you’re taking the time to inform them, instead of just pitching the product. But current clients can benefit from your videos, as well. For example, they watch a 5-minute demo that shows them how to customize reports. As such, they refer to their friends/colleagues and remain loyal to your organization. If you prefer audio-based content, you can launch a podcast series instead and post a new installment every week. Either way, you should create a publishing schedule so that you can plan ahead and avoid redundant topics.

Before launching your LMS campaign, come up with out-of-the-box strategies to set yourself apart from the competition. These techniques can help you improve your existing strategy by adding a healthy dose of innovation. It is essential to avail information to customers regularly when you launch your campaign. It is more important, however, to disseminate information only when you have something original to say. That will win you more customers than consistent cliché slogans and sales pitches.

Is it really possible to find new customers using online marketing methods? Can clickbait get your visitors to actually buy something and boost your conversion rates? Download the free eBook The Ultimate Guide To A Winning Content Marketing Strategy and find out how to qualify leads and boost your conversion rates, how content marketing can help you generate B2B leads, how to determine KPIs and measure marketing success, how to take advantage of the SEO/SEM and Google Revenue Model, how to compare PPC vs. Content Marketing for the best ROI, as well as the impact of Account-based Marketing and Smarketing for your organization.

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