7 Common Challenges Rapid eLearning Developers Must Overcome

7 Common Challenges Rapid eLearning Developers Must Overcome

7 Common Challenges Rapid eLearning Developers Must Overcome

Common Challenges Rapid eLearning Developers Frequently Face

Rapid eLearning involves tighter deadlines, fewer resources, and less seat time. eLearning professionals have the power to create immersive eLearning courses using pre-built eLearning templates and specialized eLearning authoring tools. But the benefits that rapid eLearning boasts also present unique challenges for eLearning developers. For example, minimal resources mean that you must stretch every dollar and reuse existing materials. Fortunately, there are 7 tips that can help you overcome these common rapid eLearning obstacles.

1. You're Forced To Choose Between Quality And Quick Delivery

Some rapid eLearning projects make you feel like you're always racing the clock. You can't seem to stay on track, no matter how many hours you devote to the eLearning project. As a result, the finished product doesn't live up to your standards. Fortunately, you don't have to sacrifice quality to ensure a quick delivery. There are a number of rapid eLearning authoring tools that feature eLearning templates, themes, and other online assets to speed up the process. These pre-built online resources help you develop high-quality eLearning courses without going over eLearning budget or deadline.

2. The Most Effective Approach Is Also The Most Time Consuming

Sometimes the best Instructional Design approach just isn't feasible. Especially if you're working with limited resources and time constraints. As such, you need to get creative and come up with an alternative that still achieves the desired outcome. The good news is that you still have the power to pick-and-choose elements from different Instructional Design models and theories. For example, you can use different aspects of the ADDIE approach or shorten each phase to make it work.

3. Rapid eLearning Development Leads To Repetitions

Somewhere along the way, rapid eLearning courses became synonymous with repetitive eLearning templates. People naturally assume that quick turnaround times translate to dull eLearning courses that fail to engage and inspire learners. But you can still create immersive and interactive rapid eLearning experiences with the help of existing online resources, such as third-party multimedia. Instead of developing your own online tutorial, embed links to eLearning videos, demos, and walkthroughs. You can even compile a microlearning online library for just-in-time online training, which adds even more value to your rapid eLearning course. Lastly, you still have the opportunity to get talented Subject Matter Experts and graphic designers on board if your eLearning budget allows. These collaborators are able to transform your audience research results and subject matter into exciting eLearning content.

4. You're Working With Complex Subject Matter

Certain topics or tasks aren't ideally suited for rapid eLearning development. They involve complex ideas or concepts that may require full-length eLearning courses and a sizable investment. As such, you need to find a way to make it easily digestible for the online learner using the resources that are available. One of the most effective ways to accomplish this is to chunk eLearning content and break it down into smaller eLearning modules. For instance, divide the subject matter into individual eLearning lessons and activities that cover a specific skill or task.

5. Online Learners Don't Connect With The eLearning Course

All of the aforementioned challenges have a direct impact on learners' engagement. Poorly designed eLearning courses, lack of multimedia, and irrelevant eLearning content prevents online learners from connecting. They aren't able to see a direct correlation between active participation and reaping the rewards. However, you can help your online learners connect with the eLearning content and actively engage by creating memorable eLearning experiences. Include real-world stories that tug at their heartstrings and stress the benefits in advance. Research their learning goals and preferences to develop rapid eLearning courses that meet their specific needs.

6. You're Working With Limited Resources

This is a dilemma that many eLearning professionals face. But it's even more difficult for rapid eLearning developers on a tight eLearning budget. You may not have the tools you need nor the resources to create an effective eLearning course. The trick is to use what you have and to know how to repurpose eLearning content. For example, there are free stock image, video, and sound sites that you can use for your eLearning materials. Do a thorough inventory of all your online assets beforehand and identify the gaps. You should also develop a realistic eLearning budget so you know what you're working with. Lastly, there are a number of eLearning authoring tools that offer everything you need to create eLearning courses from start to finish. This includes cut-out libraries, eLearning templates, and graphics. Some may require a significant upfront investment, but you won't need any additional tools.

7. L&D Team Collaboration Woes

In a perfect world, every member of your team would be in the same place at the same time to complete the eLearning project. However, many rapid eLearning development projects involve distributed work teams. As such, communicating and collaborating can be challenging. Thankfully, there are Project Management and eLearning course reviewer tools that keep everyone on the same page. The key is creating a virtual headquarters for your eLearning team where they can share ideas and feedback with ease. Many Project Management online tools feature built-in calendars, assignment trackers, and instant messengers. Your eLearning team is also able to receive reminders and notifications when a deadline is approaching.

Rapid eLearning can be challenging at times. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome common obstacles and deliver amazing eLearning experiences without having to compromise. So, say goodbye to the stress and use these 7 tips to get over the hurdles that all rapid eLearning developers frequently face.

Are you in the market for a new rapid eLearning authoring tool? Read the article Rapid eLearning Authoring Tools: 5 Pros And 3 Cons To Consider to discover the pros and cons of using rapid eLearning authoring tools for developing your next eLearning course.

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