6 Amazing Reasons To Use eBooks In Online Training

The Role Of eBooks In Online Training Today
Summary: eBooks are frequently just PDF-ed versions of physical documents, though they can be customized and transformed into interactive online training resources. Do they have a specific role in online training, and to what extent?

The Role Of eBooks In Online Training: 6 Benefits To Consider

When eBooks first appeared on the scene, there were various reactions. Some Luddites and doomsday prophets decried the death of traditional publishing. Others were excited by opportunities for previously unknown authors. And while the industry landscape has evolved, none of the expected shake-ups has been as drastic as assumed. In the eLearning space though, eBooks have caused a seismic shift, mostly for good. They offer enhanced interactivity and referencing tools. Let’s look at 6 specific benefits of using eLearning eBooks in online training, as I’ll also offer tips on how to incorporate them.

Notable Perks Of Using eBooks In Your L&D Program

1. Quick And Compact

While online training courses don’t have a massive amount of online training material, there’s still a need for ‘textbooks.’ So, whether your online training course is a compliance refresher or a distance learning degree, eBooks are helpful. Instead of buying (and carrying around) bulky paper manuscripts, opt for eBooks. You can squeeze thousands of pages into a few MBs. eBooks will never be out of stock. You don’t have to wait for them to be ordered or visit multiple stores. Plus, your employees can receive them in seconds via an LMS, email, or messaging app. There are also no delivery delays.

The nature of eBooks also makes them easier to use. They have rich links, both online and offline, so they are easy to navigate and look up specific information. The search function facilitates reference by page, phrase, or even individual words. Plus, if you’re using an eBook reader, there’s less strain on your eyes, so you study longer before getting tired. If your online training course is text-heavy, consider getting a dedicated device with inbuilt reading lights. They’re less strenuous than the regular back-lighting on laptops or mobile phones.

2. Varied Learning Tools

Rich links don’t just connect to other sources of text. You can link to anything. Videos, audio clips, social media pages, anything with a web presence. Incorporating eBooks in online training means your software can be lighter. Instead of hosting everything on the same platform, you can connect to online training resources that have their own servers. This means the physical storage space and RAM required is lower. It helps for online training courses accessed via mobile phones, tablets, or even low-end computers, widening the accessibility of your online training product.

You can include eBooks in your online training course as downloadable reference tools, discussion starters, or homework assignments. You can also upload live versions that corporate learners can edit and highlight. The content should be static, so they can’t change words or images. But they can add notes and highlights. These can be useful to them, and to their fellow employees too. You may see someone else’s pointers, and they could jog your own thought process. It’s a low-cost format for collaborative study, and it’s intuitively easy to use.

3. Suitable For Differently-Abled Corporate Learners

Lots of eReaders market their ability to be held in one hand. They’re designed to be small and portable. But even if your eBooks in online training are on a soft copy, they offer advantages you can’t get from paper books. With an eBook, you can adjust the font to match your eye-sight. Make the letters bigger or use a text-to-speech function. If you’re studying while working, you might have difficulties maneuvering your hands (arthritis, carpal tunnel, prosthetics etc.). eBooks are easier than paper in such situations.

Plus, if you have an eBook that isn’t static, you can enable real-time translations instead of buying a whole new book. There are lots of different eBook sources. Sites like Gutenberg avail these texts for free. But even when they’re on sale at shopping sites, they cost less than physical books. This cuts online training costs significantly, and you can bundle the books into your online training course as ‘free references’. It’s a good added-value tactic.

4. Just-In-Time Support On The Go

Employees are able to simply download relevant eBooks to their device and then access them anytime, anywhere. For example, product knowledge manuals that provide them with the just-in-time support they need to seal the deal and enhance workplace performance. If they require more information, they can always click on the embedded links when they are in Wi-Fi range. Such as demo videos or tutorials that show the product in action.

5. Brand Building

Using eBooks in online training can even help you build brand recognition and help you transform your in-house, online training resources into revenue streams. It’s easy to incorporate your brand so that these downloadable online training resources are consistent with your eLearning course design. Or you can opt to sell your eBooks online to increase your profit margin and possibly attract top talent. For example, you need to hire new team members to fill departmental gaps and improve productivity. Produce a free eBook that delves into related topics, and invite qualified candidates to apply for the opening throughout the text.

6. Consumer Online Training

Another role that eBooks fulfill in modern online training is to educate consumers. Customers are able to learn about your latest products and services through free guides. Of course, you can include links to landing pages so that they have the opportunity to purchase directly. They appreciate the fact that your company keeps them in the loop regarding benefits, applications, and features. Thus, they’re more likely to bring in repeat business.


eBooks serve a variety of purposes, like saving the trees and creating opportunities in self-publishing. They play a key role in online training as well, offering lots of advantages. Their size means you can keep hundreds or even thousands in your book folio. No need for bookshelves, just a few MBs of virtual space. They’re excellent for quick reference because you can use rich links to navigate. The content can also extend to audio and video, not just typed words. They’re useful for corporate learners with divergent abilities. You can use text-to-speech features, fiddle with the font size, and enable automated translation.

Looking for some hidden gems to add to your virtual bookshelf? Discover 11 eLearning eBook titles (and 1 exceptional webinar) you should check out today!

Originally published on June 11, 2021