Hidden eBook Gems: 11 Titles You Should Check Out Today (And 1 Standout Webinar)

Hidden eBook Gems: 11 Titles You Should Check Out Today
Summary: Are you looking for a good read to foster employee development and bridge crucial gaps? Check out these 11 eBook hidden gems to spark eLearning inspiration and maximize your L&D potential.

11 Amazing Hidden eBook Gems You Should Add To Your eLearning TBR List

It's time to peruse the virtual bookshelves and highlight titles that you may have overlooked. These hidden eBook gems cover the entire spectrum of eLearning design and development, from onboarding to performance consulting. If you're in the mood for an informative read, there's something for everyone on this list.

1. How To Ace Virtual Employee Onboarding Programs For Your Remote Workforce by Obsidian

It's crucial for organizations to launch remote onboarding programs to bring their new recruits up to speed. This eBook provides insights and practical advice to help you onboard new staffers and returning (reboarded) employees.

2. 8 Tips For Boosting Your eLearning With Performance Consulting By AllenComm

Transforming your organization’s people and processes can help boost engagement and employee performance. But it all hinges on an effective culture of learning. Discover Instructional Design and training delivery best practices from performance consulting pros.

3. Virtual Training SweetRush Style: 5 Inspiring Case Studies For A Learner Centered Approach By SweetRush

You’re ready to embark your digital transformation journey and need some insider tips? Explore 5 virtual training case studies—unique challenges, audiences, and solutions to get fresh ideas for your learning portfolio.

4. The Virtual Onboarding Handbook: How Τo Set Up Remote Workers for Success By eLearning Brothers

This ultimate guide features a checklist and sample virtual onboarding template to help you boost remote workforce productivity and engagement. It also covers key topics and the 4 pillars of onboarding.

5. Top Considerations When Choosing An Enterprise Live Virtual Training Solution By The eLearning Guild

Learn all the criteria you need to maximize your virtual training and achieve the desired outcomes. This is the ideal guide to help you select the right enterprise learning solution for your organization.

6. Microlearning Tips For A Successful Remote Workforce Onboarding Process By Code Of Talent

Corporate trainers and managers have the power to develop and deploy fully customized digital microlearning journeys to their teams. Access the best microlearning tips to launch a stress-free remote workforce onboarding process.

7. How Custom Learning Experiences Help Build A Continuous Improvement Culture By Kineo

Every successful business improvement model relies on continuous improvement. This eBook explores how it ties into learning and how the right approach and custom learning experiences can help you achieve your goals.

8. Futureproofing Corporate Training With Learning And Performance Consulting By EI Design

This guide offers insights on why every organization should leverage Learning and Performance Consulting to implement a successful Virtual Training Transformation.

9. Digital Learning Maturity In Your Organization By CrossKnowledge

This hidden eBook gem takes a closer look at the Digital Learning Maturity model, and how L&D professionals can use it to tap into the value of learning? You'll also discover the innovative framework CrossKnowledge uses to assist and guide their clients during the maturity journey.

10. Data And Learning: Adding Learning Analytics To Your Organization By Learning Pool

Discover how data and learning analytics can help your organization overcome its biggest challenges and edge out the competition. It covers all the crucial elements, from choosing an evaluation method to using a Learning Record Store.

11. An L&D Manager's Mobile Learning Guide To Leveraging Personalized Content For Skills Training By CommLab India

Mobile technology impacts every aspect of our lives, including how we learn. L&D leaders can no longer overlook mobile learning’s potential for employee development. Explore how you can use mobile learning for skills training to bridge crucial gaps.

Everything For The eLearning Bookworm...

If you'd like some further reading, feel free to check out our eBook Library to explore more than 300 titles.

Originally published on April 15, 2021