eBook Release: The Empowered Learner

Free eBook: The Empowered Learner

Free eBook: The Empowered Learner

The Empowered Learner: How Technology Has Changed Workplace Learning

Workplace learning has changed dramatically in the past ten years, and technology has been the primary driver of that change. However, it has not necessarily been learning solutions supplied by organizations that have been the game-changer. The way that technology has enabled workers to self-direct their learning has been the significant factor. Whether it’s been fully acknowledged or not, this has dramatically changed the learner’s relationship with Learning and Development.

eBook Release
The Empowered Learner, by Looop
This eBook highlights what L&D can do to use learners' power and increase their engagement.

Employees today are turning to search engines for information and know-how, often in their moments of need and without them leaving their workflow. Survey responses are showing that they are rating internal knowledge-sharing and collaboration as their preferred—and most effective methods of learning—whilst company training and eLearning is rating as the least.

In the eBook The Empowered Learner you will examine today’s empowered learner, the modern learning environment, and what this all means for the modern L&D function.

About The eBook

By capitalizing on recent insights into today’s learners—their motivations, habits, and preferences—L&D can drive improved business performance through increased learner engagement.

The eBook The Empowered Learner reflects and interprets research and insights that have been published by various industry sources and experts in recent years. The commentary is provided by David James, former-Director of Talent Management, Learning & OD at The Walt Disney Company, EMEA. Here are the eBook’s key chapters:

L&D faces becoming marginalized if it does not understand and capitalize on the motivations, preferences, and habits of the modern employee, who is now demanding ‘a personalized, digital learning experience’. In this eBook, you will explore why Learning and Development needs to take a look outside of the corporate infrastructure and see what can be learned and adopted to increase learner engagement and develop the capability the organization requires. You can download the eBook here.

Related Articles:

  1. The Key To Reaching Empowered Learners
  2. Empowered Learners: Hyperconnected And Self-Directed
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