9 Internal Online Training Distractors That Your Corporate Learners Must Contend With

9 Internal Online Training Distractors That Your Corporate Learners Must Contend With
Summary: Social media, noisy environments, and personal commitments are just a few of the distractions your corporate learners must deal with. But there are also inner struggles to consider. In this article, I’ll highlight 9 internal online training distractors that stand in the way of online training success.

9 Internal Online Training Distractors Of Corporate Learners And How To Overcome Them

Being a busy modern learner means that your mind is constantly at work. The gears are perpetually turning, even when you should be fully focused on the task at hand. This basic human trait is a force to be reckoned with in online training. Here are 9 internal online training distractors that corporate learners must contend with, as well as tips to help your corporate learners concentrate on the online training course.

1. Stress

Stress impacts every aspect of our lives, but it can be particularly hindersome in online training. Corporate learners try to absorb the information and remember it for later use, but stress clouds their mental processes. Excessive stress can even produce hormones that cause fatigue, leaving corporate learners feeling drained and overwhelmed. Thus, it’s important to put your audience at ease by creating relaxing learning conditions. Use calming colors in your eLearning course design and provide clear online instructions so that they know what to expect. Stressed out corporate learners don’t need any surprises.

2. Lack Of Self-Confidence

Corporate learners who lack self-confidence or self-assurance become their own worst enemy. The only thing standing between them and achieving their learning goals is doubt. They don’t believe they can do it, which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. These corporate learners require personalized praise and the ability to create their own learning path. This empowers them to take charge and gradually build confidence in their abilities. You can also develop peer-based online learning communities to give them a morale boost. For instance, social media groups that enable them to exchange tips with colleagues and offer words of encouragement.

3. Overabundant Ego

These corporate learners are at the other end of the confidence spectrum. They login to the LMS with an abundant ego that hinders their personal growth. This is due to the fact that they are unwilling to acknowledge their mistakes. Thus, they cannot learn from them. Corporate learners with large egos also tend to impose their viewpoints on others rather than trying to see things from their peers’ perspective and benefit from their online training experience. One possible cure for an excessive ego is immediate feedback. Highlight areas for improvement after each online training activity so that corporate learners know there’s always room to grow.

4. Fear Of Failure

Some corporate learners are so afraid to fail that they don’t participate in the online training course in the first place. Or they don’t venture out of their comfort zone because they know it may lead to mistakes. For this reason, you should emphasize the benefits of mistake-driven learning and viewing mistakes as learning opportunities. Let them know that there’s no shame in failure, so long as they are willing to use it to their advantage.

5. Anxiety

A high percentage of people suffer from some form of anxiety. Some even experience panic attacks that impair their ability to think or cloud their judgement. There are a number of ways to help those who experience anxiety, such as improving the navigability of your online training course and removing extraneous clutter. Make it easy for them to access the essential information and concentrate on the key takeaways. You can also employ relaxation techniques, since bouts of stress can bring on anxiety.

6. Frustration

There are plenty of things that can create frustration for corporate learners. Busy work schedules, missed appointments, and personal conflicts, just to name a few. Your eLearning course design shouldn’t be on that list. Provide corporate learners with the information they need and make it easily digestible. For example, verify that all links are still active and corporate learners can navigate through the online training course smoothly.

7. Worry

Corporate learners worry that they won’t pass the final exam, or that they don’t have the skills to complete the online training simulation. They may even be worried about issues completely unrelated to the online training course. However, these mental obstacles still impact the learning process. In fact, worry can be a catalyst for many other internal online training distractors on this list, including stress, anxiety, and fear of failure. Appease their concerns by summarizing the online training course contents in the beginning, as well as writing a general overview. For example, a course timeline or map that features online training modules and activities. You should also avoid putting any time constraints on the online training course. They shouldn’t have to worry about keeping up with peers or racing the clock.

8. Lack Of Motivation

Lack of motivation is one of the most challenging internal online training distractors corporate learners must contend with. Especially from the perspective of eLearning professionals who want to keep their audience fully engaged in the online training experience. Unmotivated corporate learners are less likely to participate in the online training course or collaborate with peers. You can remedy this by identifying their primary motivators and allowing them to create their own online training plan. They are the ones responsible for the outcomes. Therefore, they must play an active role in order to avoid the negative consequences.

9. Fatigue

Hectic schedules and everyday stresses can leave corporate learners feeling exhausted. This fatigue prevents them from focusing on the subject matter, as their minds and bodies are more concerned with recharging rather than assimilating the information. Give corporate learners the ability to choose when to participate in online training and allow them to pause when the need arises. They can always pick up where they left off once they’ve rested their weary minds.

Internal online training distractors have the potential to hinder knowledge retention and learner participation. However, this article will help you overcome these mental blockades by engaging corporate learners and creating a positive online training environment. It’s also essential to research your audience in order to see things from their perspective and identify other internal hurdles.

One of the best ways to improve mental focus is to make your corporate learners feel. Read the article 8 Tips To Foster Emotional Connectivity In Online Training to discover 8 top tips to make online training personal, and foster emotional connectivity in your online training course.