eBook Release: Measuring The Business Impact Of Your Learning Programs

eBook Release: Measuring The Business Impact Of Your Learning Programs

eBook Release: Measuring The Business Impact Of Your Learning Programs

Do You Know How Your Learning Program Impacts Your Business?

All Learning and Development departments focus on one thing, not only to find a way to make a positive impact on their organizations through their hard work but to be able to measure that impact. However, the impact of learning on a business is not always the one we strive for. According to studies, only 8% of CEOs see an impact on their business from their L&D programs, and only 4% see any degree of ROI. In other words, most CEOs consider investing in L&D a waste.

eBook Release
Measuring the Business Impact Of Your Learning Programs
Learn how to optimize the impact your business and development programs have on your business.

There is a standard methodology for trying to calculate the value of Learning and Development. Specifically, this methodology was developed by the ROI Institute and has 8 steps of analysis based on specific business measures. In other words, the framework in its original state can only work when clear observations and metrics apply. However, this isn't always possible with the effects of learning. Both learning and the benefits that come from it are things that can happen anytime, anywhere, and often without us realizing it. So, certain adjustments should be made to the original framework in order to make it more relevant.

Align Your Organization According To Modern Learning

According to Michael Rochell, chief strategy officer and principal HCM analyst of Brandon Hall Group:

We need to create a stronger link between ongoing employee development and the measurable business impact. The more employees continue to learn, the greater their developmental potential and contribution to performance over time.

In order to create this link, this eBook will guide you through the 8 steps of the process.

1. Outline Goals And Embrace Continuous Learning

Firstly, you will need to outline your goals in a clear and concise manner. In addition, the eBook explains why embracing continuous learning is an important part of this procedure. That is to say, why you need to evaluate how L&D prepares for the skills and material that may be outdated in a few years. This is a subtle way that your learning program can impact your business, but it is very important.

2. Identify The Best Approach

Secondly, it is important to identify the best approach. In short, this should be an approach that reflects your organization's culture and is supported by the know-how of your team members. In other words, if your approach to learning is personalized to the people you work with, your hard work will leave no tangible benefits.

3. Know The Impact You Are Looking For

Thirdly, you must remember the old adage: "Knowing is half the battle." This step covers thoroughly all the parameters you need to know about your learning program because only with the help of these metrics can you ever have a clear understanding of your success, or perhaps which areas you can improve on.

4. Spur Reaction And Learning

After that, it is time to acknowledge the connection between the learner and the content. This is no longer a one-way relationship—on the contrary, a great portion of the content should be user-generated. This really helps create memorable experiences.

5. Design For Application And Impact

Accordingly, you must also take into account what exactly has an impact on your learners and the learning program of your business. You should keep a communication channel open with them at all times, and understand what motivates and engages them.

 6. Determine Immediate Impact

After that, you should reflect on what elements form your training can have an immediate impact on your work, and how. Every element of your program should either be something that can improve either the quality of your work or the efficiency of it.

 7. Provide A Snapshot Of Your Learning Impact So Far

Next, you need to be able to review what worked and what didn't. The data you collected from the previous step will surely help you with that.

8. Review And Optimize

Finally, you should be able to review your project as a whole and understand what needs to be optimized and in what way. Again, your learners play a key role in this; do not proceed without their feedback.

The Journey That Never Ends

There may be no single "best way" to measure impact in your organization, but that doesn't mean that there is no way at all. In order to achieve this, you need to be perceptive, flexible, and part of a growing dynamic that is influenced and influences both your organization and your learners. Download the eBook Measuring The Business Impact Of Your Learning Programs and discover your own path to a better, more meaningful learning experience.

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