7 Foolproof Ways To Get New Hires Engaged In Onboarding Compliance Online Training

7 Foolproof Ways To Get New Hires Engaged In Onboarding Compliance Online Training

7 Foolproof Ways To Get New Hires Engaged In Onboarding Compliance Online Training

How To Engage New Hires In Onboarding Compliance Online Training

You could resort to free giveaways or paid time off. However, those are just temporary fixes for the motivational dilemma. What you really need to engage new employees in onboarding compliance training live events, personal anecdotes, and visual examples. It’s not about extravagant rewards, but memorable content that connects with your recruits. Which should make the accounting department happy, since you can scrap that “all expenses paid vacation” idea. Here are 7 foolproof ways to get new hires hooked on compliance training without pushing them too far out of their comfort zone.

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7 Creative Ways To Get New Hires Actively Engaged

1. Host Live New Hire Events

Kick things off with a new hire live event so that employees can meet managers and fellow onboarding employees. It’s in a more intimate setting that puts them at ease, which encourages them to ask questions and share experiences. Instead of hosting a company-wide event where everyone’s at a different stage in the employment cycle. Give them a brief overview of what’s covered in the onboarding compliance training course so that they know what to expect. No unexpected surprises here. Except for the fact that your training experience breaks the mold and actually engages employees.

2. Send An Onboarding Packet Beforehand

Email everyone a welcome packet beforehand that features all the compliance essentials. The onboarding online training course will explore each topic in greater detail, but the packet is a great icebreaker. Think of it is a guidebook for your new recruits. They get a sneak peek of what training entails and how it connects to their job duties. You can even include links to intro modules or activities to make it more memorable. Don’t forget to include contact info for relevant team members. Like instructors, supervisors, employee mentors who can help new hires.

3. Include Demo Videos

Your new staffers may be aware of the compliance tasks they must perform, especially if they’re familiar with the industry and job role. But they still need refreshers to reinforce what they know and provide a visual example. Include demo videos in your new hire training compliance online course to show them the way, and mistakes to avoid. Use animation software to reenact scenes that involve more risk. Or invite experienced employees to act out tasks that are more mundane to increase relatability.

4. Gamify The Experience

Compliance online training isn’t usually enjoyable for new hires. They’d rather dive into their job duties and meet co-workers instead of reading a 50-page manual. Or listen to a 3-hour lecture about safety gear and policies. This is why gamification is such a valuable tool in onboarding compliance online training. Employees actively engage in simulations, scenarios games, and interactive modules. High scores and stellar training performance earn them rewards. Like badges, points, or a top spot on the leaderboard. Just make sure the competition isn’t too steep. They shouldn’t feel singled out or as if they’re being pitted against peers.

5. Share Personal Stories

Some employees are more apprehensive than others. They need to know that they’re not alone. That it’s alright to make mistakes, as long as they learn from them and the risks are calculated. Share personal stories that allow them to benefit from your past experiences and avoid common errors. Like that time you accidentally forgot to put up the ‘caution’ signs and someone slipped. Or you accepted a gift from a client, only to realize that it was a COI breach. Let them know that there are always ways to remedy the issue and encourage them to reflect on their own performance behaviors.

6. Invite Them To Contribute Content

Give employees the opportunity to contribute new hire online training resources to improve engagement and instill a sense of ownership. This also reduces your onboarding compliance online training costs and facilities knowledge sharing. Bear in mind that new employees bring new skills and insights with them. So, ask them to create presentations, podcasts, and other support tools for the training library. Employee generated content even fosters feedback. Fellow staffers use the JIT demo to improve task performance. However, they notice a few flaws in the video. Or that there’s a better way to complete the task. They can leave comments or message the new employee to provide constructive criticism. Everyone benefits. Provided there are guidelines in place to avoid miscommunications and hurt feelings.

7. Hire An eLearning Content Provider

You may not have the in-house expertise to create engaging compliance online training content. Or your experience L&D team simply doesn’t have the time to develop resources. As there are so many items on their to-do list already. It may even be a matter of turnaround times and you need to deploy content at a rapid pace. These are all reasons to hire an eLearning content provider to create compliance courses for your new staffers. Do your research to choose a partner in your niche who understands your industry and compliance regulations. They should also be familiar with your company vision, employee preferences, and training objectives. As well as your budget. Ask them for a detailed estimate to find out what’s included and the timeframe required.


The common theme among all these onboarding compliance online training activities is personalization. New employees are already on shaky ground when they arrive. They don’t know where they fit in the organization or what the future holds for their career goals. A learner-centered strategy reassures your newest team members and gives them all the support they need. It may even alleviate those first day jitters by building self-confidence, which is a major plus.

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