7 Overlooked Ways To Use Learning Technology To Enrich Your ILT Compliance Sessions

7 Overlooked Ways To Use Learning Technology To Enrich Your ILT Compliance Sessions

7 Overlooked Ways To Use Learning Technology To Enrich Your ILT Compliance Sessions

How To Level Up Your Instructor-Led Compliance Training With Learning Technology

Compliance training is rooted in theory; in policies and regulations that dictate what employees and cannot do in the workplace. The goal is to keep them safe, avoid penalties, and maintain your brand image. Merely talking about the issues in ILT sessions won’t help your staff mitigate risks, though. To achieve the objectives, you need to immerse them in real-world situations and provide JIT support. Learning technology can help you enrich ILT experiences by personalizing the process and monitoring performance. Here are 7 surprising ways to use these tech tools in your face-to-face compliance sessions.

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Merge Face-To-Face With Learning Tech: How ILT And LMS Can Bring Employees The Best Of Both Worlds
There is still a case to be made for face-to-face sessions that offer one-on-one support. However, blending it with learning technology can help you enhance personalization and stretch your L&D budget even further.

7 Underrated Ways Of Using Learning Technology To Your Compliance ILT’s Benefit

1. Simulations To Prevent Costly Mistakes

Mistakes happen. We’re only human and there are times when all the planning in the world won’t prevent an on-the-job accident. However, there are ways to mitigate these risks and avoid costly errors. Simulations impart real-world experience so that your team is aware of common catastrophes and how to approach them. For example, how do they handle that client bribe or evacuate the facility if there’s a fire or flood? Immerse them in the situation so that they know why protocols are in place and how to apply them on the job.

2. Branching Scenarios That Test Performance Under Pressure

You never know how employees are going to react in high-pressure situations until they occur, right when you need them to keep a cool head and troubleshoot the issue. At least, that used to be the case with exclusively instructor-led training. Instructors might recap what to do in emergencies or offer tips on how to handle stressful obstacles. But an LMS allows you to test employees’ performance under pressure and identify problem areas. Every decision-making path evaluates how well they know the rules/policies and if they let stress get the upper hand. Then you can use ILT sessions or JIT tools to prepare them for every eventuality and improve their self-confidence.

3. Microlearning Task Tutorials To Show How It’s Done

Listening to the instructor explain a task gives employees a general overview. But seeing how it’s done cements it in their long-term memory. Bite-sized task tutorials walk them through the process and highlight common mistakes, such as how to complete a customer return or safely handle the merchandise. Employees get a visual example they can mimic on the job instead of trying to picture the process in their minds during the ILT session and then replicating it in the workplace.

4. Pre-Assessments That Guide Your ILT Sessions

Pre-evaluations help you customize your curriculum based on employee strengths and weaknesses. Start with pop quizzes or surveys to gauge how much they know and let the data guide your ILT sessions. You can even use real-world activity performance to enhance depersonalization. For instance, reports reveal that most of your employees struggled through the compliance simulation or chose the wrong branching scenario paths. As a result, your instructor focuses on relevant skills or topics to remedy the most common errors.

5. Video Demos To Highlight Dos And Don’ts

Sometimes the best way to illustrate your point is by giving a bad example. Video demos show employees the right and wrong way to perform the task, or ways to follow company policy versus breaking every rule in the book. It’s more visual, so they can see how theories translate into real-world performance. For instance, missing a crucial step might cause a coworker injury or put their own safety at risk. Another great way to improve engagement is to produce animated do/don’t videos, which are peripherally useful for dangerous compliance situations that can’t be reenacted.

6. Infographics That Sum Up Key Policies

Manuals aren’t usually the most user-friendly (or convenient), but employees still need to be aware of company policies. Violations have the potential to tarnish your brand image and decrease customer loyalty. Thus, everyone must be on the same page when it comes to protocols. Infographics cover all the basics so that your team knows what’s expected of them. Sum up the five most important clothing items so they know what to wear on their first day. Recap six crucial safe handling procedures. These infographics can be used as quick reference guides to refresh their memory. They don’t have to jot down their questions and wait until the next ILT event. Instead, they’re able to deal with the obstacle right away and move on with their workday.

7. Surveys To Improve Your ILT Strategy

You think that your employees are content with the current ILT, but surveys might say otherwise. Employees may not be happy with the instructor’s approach or their lack of involvement. Likewise, they may feel like they’re being micromanaged, or their personal goals aren’t factored into the equation. This information allows you to adjust your ILT strategy accordingly and get employees actively involved in the process. They know their voices are being heard and that you value their input. The secret is giving your instructors/facilitators constructive feedback without making them feel judged. For instance, outline all the strong points of their ILT sessions followed by suggestions they can incorporate into the curriculum.


As you can see, learning technology isn’t the “bad guy.” It’s not the end of ILT or the “thief” of L&D jobs. In fact, ILT and LMS are a winning combo that can cut costs, reduce on-the-job errors, and improve employee participation. The secret is knowing how to incorporate those learning tech touches into your existing ILT strategy so that every member of your team receives timely support and real-world experience.

Not just any learning technology will suffice when trying to enrich your ILT sessions and boost employee engagement. Look for the right compliance training LMS using our online directory. Filter results by features, spec support, pricing model, and other crucial factors to choose the best LMS for your organization.

Download the eBook Merge Face-To-Face With Learning Tech: How ILT And LMS Can Bring Employees The Best Of Both Worlds to merge modern tech with instructor-led training to achieve your objectives.

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