
March 3, 2021

Ready, Steady, Go! Or Not?

The threat of the pandemic is still real and we have entered a new year that remains severely disrupted. How ready are we to reset and confidently move forward? Is it all about finding new ways of working or about adjusting our current ways to new paradigms? And, how can LMS technology help?
by Phil McInnes
March 1, 2021 | Sponsored

Where Is Your Organization In Its Learning Analytics Journey? Here Are Your Map And Compass

Fear of the unknown holds L&D back from furthering learning analytics in organizations. But while caution is a useful instinct, the American Mythologist Joseph Campbell said, ‘we lose many opportunities and much of the adventure of life if we fail to support the curious explorer within us’. Every explorer needs a map and compass, so how do you find out exactly where you are on learning analytics – and where you need to go?
by Emma Whiteside