eBook Release: Social Media – L&D’s Untapped Resource

Free eBook: Social Media – L&D’s Untapped Resource
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Summary: Each and every one has a different perspective as to the use of social media. This is dependent on several criteria; education, social status, and familiarity with technology are the most prevailing. However, what’s topping the list is the age of people. And this is becoming the decisive factor that forces L&D to deal with social media, as Millennials grow in the world workforce. Do yourself a favor and keep your eyes on this must-read. It will seriously help you step up your game.

Social Media In Learning And Development: How Social Media Are L&D’s Untapped Resource

Surely, social media are integrated into most corporate training courses. That doesn’t mean there are many eLearning professionals to claim that they take full advantage of social media in Learning and Development. The knowledge that Social Media – L&D's Untapped Resource bears can be used as a bridge to unite the learning needs of L&D to those of Millennials. Read how to refresh traditional training and invite innovation to your courses with the majority of learners still feeling comfortable. These applications are divided, for your better comprehension, in the ones that are basic and massive and the ones that can have an additional use for the moment. I will use the slogan found here; it’s time to close the gap.

Social Media – L&D’s Untapped Resource
Discover the role of social media in Learning and Development, why you should let them guide you to bridge the gap with Millennials, what social media you should apply to L&D, and how they can help you transform it.

About The eBook

As Millennials join the workforce, so must L&D professionals make the organizations ready for the younger ones. Within the pages of Social Media – L&D's Untapped Resource you will find insight on their profile and the preparations needed, along with useful tips. First and fundamental is to let technology and social media guide you. More specifically, you will learn how to bridge the gap with Millennials, what social media should you apply to L&D, and how can they transform it.

Here are the key chapters of the eBook:

  • Preparing For The Next Generation Workforce
  • Who Are Millennials?
  • Traditional Training – Approaches That Could Use A Millennial Twist
  • Let Technology and Social Media Drive Innovation
  • Bridging L&D And Millennial Learning Needs With Social Media
  • How Can We Use These Social Media Applications To Transform L&D?
  • Additional Applications To Facilitate L&D

Readiness is a state that needs constant alert and enhancement. In the case we are dealing with now, you can’t be ready enough. Millennials arrive to shake the foundations of traditional corporate training. They are exploratory, team players, they prefer interactive learning environments, and they seek immediate feedback. More are displayed in the eBook so that you have a broader image.

Understanding them is one thing, and transforming practices, techniques, and content for them are another. Social Media – L&D's Untapped Resource focuses on three traditional approaches that could benefit from a millennial twist. These would be pre-work, objectives, and group discussion. Enhance them by integrating technology and social media channels into the corporate learning environment; this last piece of advice is one of the favorites coming from InfoPro Learning.

Now comes the time for hard facts and numbers. The part of the day Millennials spend in social media can be horrifying at a first glance. Once you quit being bemused, you can think of ways to put all this to use. The truth is that you will find precious time to fill with corporate training. Once you picture this, study the characteristics of the most popular social media and other more specific. This way you’ll know which activity fits where, to achieve enhancing your learning solutions.

If you want to discover social media and comprehend them as Millennials do, in order to close the generation gap on L&D, download this eBook today.

Originally published on August 8, 2018