Learning Management Systems

Here you can find the top articles about Learning Management Systems, their benefits, concepts, features and many more from the best eLearning authors. See more

April 18, 2017

From Zero To Hero: Learning The TalentLMS REST API

Having isolated software that can’t talk to other systems is like the first telephone device: Cool, but useless. See, information needs to be able to move between the various tools that make your organization run smoothly, and that’s exactly the reason TalentLMS has embraced REST API. Learn more:
by Nikos Andriotis
April 6, 2017

Top 9 Extended Enterprise LMS Features

Your external partners require just as much training as your in-house staff. This calls for a specialized LMS platform that delivers the round-the-clock online training resources they need. In this article, I'll highlight the top 9 features to look for in an extended enterprise Learning Management System.
by Robert Sublett
April 1, 2017

Questions To Ask A Prospective LMS Visual Design Provider

Sourcing designers to provide the right look and feel for your organization means finding the right balance between design experience and familiarity with your selected Learning Management System (LMS). The following offers a guide to the questions you should be asking to help you find the right LMS visual design provider for you.
by Meredith Henson
March 3, 2017

xAPI Enabled LMS: Tracking eLearning Experiences

There isn’t any doubt that people are heavily reliant on technology these days. Every single day, without fail, people use a range of devices -computers, laptops, mobile devices, etc.- to stay connected and boost knowledge. As such, eLearning has witnessed strong growth in the past few years and more students have started to realize the benefits offered by this convenient educational source. However, it would not have been possible for the eLearning domain to flourish so much without one key tool: The Learning Management System (LMS).
by Kamy Anderson